CEMC marker at the EFGH marking event

The Euclid Contest and Fryer, Galois and Hypatia (EFGH) Contests are written in April by students worldwide. These contests provide students with the opportunity to write full-solution answers, which helps students think more critically about the contest problems and effectively communicate their solutions. To help mark these contests, the CEMC invites current and retired math educators to the University of Waterloo each year.

Marking is one of the most important aspects of our contest processing. This annual event provides markers with the opportunity to evaluate student work from around the world. It also enables markers to interact and network with others in the math education community from across Canada and participate in valuable professional development. 

Event details

The CEMC invites active educators from across Canada, retired educators from Ontario, and graduate students at the University of Waterloo to volunteer to participate.  

EFGH Marking takes place over three days at the University of Waterloo.

Marking happens in person at the University of Waterloo, with a select group of remote markers assisting via Crowdmark. 

Marking is a volunteer activity. The CEMC does provide some funding to support travel expenses and provides accommodations and meals for markers who travel to Waterloo, Ontario to participate. Contact us for more details. 

If you would like to volunteer to participate as a marker, please contact Vanja Malinovic. The CEMC reviews applications from potential markers and reaches out to those that are selected to participate. 

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