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2023 Euclid Contest

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
(in North America and South America)

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
(outside of North American and South America)

University of Waterloo Logo

©2023 University of Waterloo


Time: \(2\frac{1}{2}\) hours

Number of Questions: 10

Each question is worth 10 marks.

Calculating devices are allowed, provided that they do not have any of the following features: (i) internet access, (ii) the ability to communicate with other devices, (iii) information previously stored by students (such as formulas, programs, notes, etc.), (iv) a computer algebra system, (v) dynamic geometry software.

Parts of each question can be of two types:

  1. SHORT ANSWER parts indicated by Lightbulb
  2. FULL SOLUTION parts indicated by Full Solution


Do not discuss the problems or solutions from this contest online for the next 48 hours.
The name, grade, school and location, and score range of some top-scoring students will bepublished on our website, cemc.uwaterloo.ca. In addition, the name, grade, school and location,and score of some top-scoring students may be shared with other mathematical organizationsfor other recognition opportunities.
  1. Please read the instructions for the contest.
  2. Write all answers in the answer booklet provided.
  3. For questions marked Lightbulb, place your answer in the appropriate box in the answer booklet and show your work.
  4. For questions marked Full Solution, provide a well-organized solution in the answer booklet. Use mathematical statements and words to explain all of the steps of your solution. Work out some details in rough on a separate piece of paper before writing your finished solution.
  5. Diagrams are not drawn to scale. They are intended as aids only.
  6. While calculators may be used for numerical calculations, other mathematical steps mustbe shown and justified in your written solutions, and specific marks may be allocated forthese steps. For example, while your calculator might be able to find the \(x\)-intercepts of the graph of an equation like \(y=x^{3} -x\), you should show the algebraic steps that you used to find these numbers, rather than simply writing these numbers down.


    1. Lightbulb The average of \(n\), \(2n\), \(3n\), \(4n\), \(5n\) is 18. What is the value of \(n\)?

    2. Lightbulb Suppose that \(2x+y=5\) and \(x+2y=7\). What is the average of \(x\) and \(y\)?

    3. Full Solution The average of \(t^2\), \(2t\) and \(3\) is 9. If \(t<0\), determine the value of \(t\).

    1. Lightbulb If \(Q(5,3)\) is the midpoint of the line segment with endpoints \(P(1, p)\) and \(R(r, 5)\), what are the values of \(p\) and \(r\)?

    2. Lightbulb A line with slope 3 and another line with slope \(-1\) intersect at \(P(3,6)\). What is the distance between the \(x\)-intercepts of the two lines?

    3. Full Solution For some value of \(t\), the line with equation \(y = tx + t\) is perpendicular to the line with equation \(y = 2x + 7\). Determine the point of intersection of these two lines.

    1. Lightbulb The positive divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6. What is the sum of the positive divisors of 64?

    2. Lightbulb Fionn wrote 4 consecutive integers on a whiteboard. Lexi came along and erased one of the integers. Fionn noticed that the sum of the remaining integers was 847. What integer did Lexi erase?

    3. Full Solution An arithmetic sequence with 7 terms has first term \(d^2\) and common difference \(d\). The sum of the 7 terms in the sequence is 756. Determine all possible values of \(d\).

      (An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained from the previous term by adding a constant, called the common difference. For example, \(3, 5, 7, 9\) are the first four terms of an arithmetic sequence.)

    1. Lightbulb Liang and Edmundo paint at different but constant rates. Liang can paint a room in 3 hours if she works alone. Edmundo can paint the same room in 4 hours if he works alone. Liang works alone for 2 hours and then stops. Edmundo finishes painting the room. How many minutes will Edmundo need to finish painting the room?

    2. Full Solution On January 1, 2021, an investment had a value of $400.
      From January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022, the value of the investment increased by \(A\)% from its value on January 1, 2021 for some \(A > 0\).
      From January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023, the value of the investment decreased by \(A\)% from its value on January 1, 2022.
      On January 1, 2023, the value of the investment was $391.
      Determine all possible values of \(A\).

    1. Lightbulb Suppose that \(f(x) = x^2 + (2n-1)x + (n^2-22)\) for some integer \(n\). What is the smallest positive integer \(n\) for which \(f(x)\) has no real roots?

    2. Full Solution In the diagram, \(\triangle PQR\) has \(PQ = a\), \(QR = b\), \(PR = 21\), and \(\angle PQR = 60\degree\). Also, \(\triangle STU\) has \(ST = a\), \(TU = b\), \(\angle TSU = 30\degree\), and \(\sin(\angle TUS) = \frac{4}{5}\). Determine the values of \(a\) and \(b\).

    1. Full Solution A triangle of area \(770\text{ cm}^2\) is divided into 11 regions of equal height by 10 lines that are all parallel to the base of the triangle. Starting from the top of the triangle, every other region is shaded, as shown.

      A triangle with a horizontal base divided
into 11 horizontal strips. Every other strip is shaded beginning with
the bottom strip and ending with the top strip.

      What is the total area of the shaded regions?

    2. Full Solution A square lattice of 16 points is constructed such that the horizontal and vertical distances between adjacent points are all exactly 1 unit. Each of four pairs of points are connected by a line segment, as shown.

      A description of the diagram follows.

      The intersections of these line segments are the vertices of square \(ABCD\). Determine the area of square \(ABCD\).

    1. Lightbulb A bag contains 3 red marbles and 6 blue marbles. Akshan removes one marble at a time until the bag is empty. Each marble that they remove is chosen randomly from the remaining marbles. Given that the first marble that Akshan removes is red and the third marble that they remove is blue, what is the probability that the last two marbles that Akshan removes are both blue?

    2. Full Solution Determine the number of quadruples of positive integers \((a,b,c,d)\) with \(a<b<c<d\) that satisfy both of the following system of equations: \[\begin{align*} ac+ad+bc+bd & =2023\\ a+b+c+d & =296\end{align*}\]

    1. Full Solution Suppose that \(\triangle ABC\) is right-angled at \(B\) and has \(AB = n(n+1)\) and \(AC = (n+1)(n+4)\), where \(n\) is a positive integer. Determine the number of positive integers \(n < 100\,000\) for which the length of side \(BC\) is also an integer.

    2. Full Solution Determine all real values of \(x\) for which \[\sqrt{\log_2x\cdot\log_2(4x)+1}+\sqrt{\log_2x\cdot \log_2\left(\dfrac{x}{64}\right)+9}=4\]

  1. Full Solution At the Canadian Eatery with Multiple Configurations, there are round tables, around which chairs are placed. When a table has \(n\) chairs around it for some integer \(n \geq 3\), the chairs are labelled 1, 2, 3, \(\ldots\), \(n-1\), \(n\) in order around the table. A table is considered full if no more people can be seated without having two people sit in neighbouring chairs. For example, when \(n=6\), full tables occur when people are seated in chairs labelled \(\{1,4\}\) or \(\{2,5\}\) or \(\{3,6\}\) or \(\{1,3,5\}\) or \(\{2,4,6\}\). Thus, there are 5 different full tables when \(n=6\).

    A circle with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in that order, equally spaced around its perimeter.

    1. Determine all ways in which people can be seated around a table with 8 chairs so that the table is full, in each case giving the labels on the chairs in which people are sitting.

    2. A full table with \(6k+5\) chairs, for some positive integer \(k\), has \(t\) people seated in its chairs. Determine, in terms of \(k\), the number of possible values of \(t\).

    3. Determine the number of different full tables when \(n = 19\).

  2. Full Solution For every real number \(x\), define \(\left\lfloor{x}\right\rfloor\) to be equal to the greatest integer less than or equal to \(x\). (We call this the “floor” of \(x\).) For example, \(\left\lfloor{4.2}\right\rfloor=4\), \(\left\lfloor{5.7}\right\rfloor=5\), \(\left\lfloor{-3.4}\right\rfloor=-4\), \(\left\lfloor{0.4}\right\rfloor=0\), and \(\left\lfloor{2}\right\rfloor=2\).

    1. Determine the integer equal to \(\left\lfloor{\dfrac{1}{3}} \right\rfloor+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{2}{3}}\right\rfloor+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{3}{3}}\right\rfloor+\cdots + \left\lfloor{\dfrac{59}{3}}\right\rfloor+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{60}{3}}\right\rfloor\).
      (The sum has 60 terms.)

    2. Determine a polynomial \(p(x)\) so that for every positive integer \(m>4\), \[\left\lfloor{p(m)}\right\rfloor = \left\lfloor{\dfrac{1}{3}}\right\rfloor+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{2}{3}}\right\rfloor+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{3}{3}}\right\rfloor+\cdots+ \left\lfloor{\dfrac{m-2}{3}}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor{\dfrac{m-1}{3}}\right\rfloor\] (The sum has \(m-1\) terms.)

      A polynomial \(f(x)\) is an algebraic expression of the form \(f(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots + a_1x + a_0\) for some integer \(n \geq 0\) and for some real numbers \(a_n,a_{n-1},\ldots,a_1,a_0\).

    3. For each integer \(n \geq 1\), define \(f(n)\) to be equal to an infinite sum: \[f(n) = \left\lfloor \frac{n}{1^2+1} \right\rfloor + \left\lfloor \frac{2n}{2^2+1} \right\rfloor + \left\lfloor \frac{3n}{3^2+1} \right\rfloor + \left\lfloor \frac{4n}{4^2+1} \right\rfloor + \left\lfloor \frac{5n}{5^2+1} \right\rfloor + \cdots\] (The sum contains the terms \(\left\lfloor \dfrac{kn}{k^2+1} \right\rfloor\) for all positive integers \(k\), and no other terms.)

      Suppose \(f(t+1) - f(t) = 2\) for some odd positive integer \(t\). Prove that \(t\) is a prime number.

Further Information

For students...

Thank you for writing the Euclid Contest!

If you are graduating from secondary school, good luck in your future endeavours! If you will be returning to secondary school next year, encourage your teacher to register you for the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest, which will be written in November.

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For teachers...

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