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Problem of the Month
Solution to Problem 5: SET!

February 2025

  1. The six sets are:

    A description of the cards in each of the six sets follows.

    Going by the labels in the statement of the problem, the six sets are {A,B,E},{A,F,L},{C,G,I},{D,E,L},{E,I,J},{J,K,L}.

  2. Since each property has three options, and there are four properties, there are 3×3×3×3=81 cards in a SET! deck.

For the next two questions, we first make the following observation: Given any two cards A and B, there is a unique third card C so that the three cards A, B, and C form a set. Let’s see why this is true.

For each property, if the options on A and B are the same, then the option for that property on card C must also be the same as it is for A and B. If the options are not the same for A and B, then C must have the third option for that property.

For example, if A and B are both shaded solid, then C must be shaded solid. On the other hand, if the shading of A is striped and the shading of B is solid, then the shading of C must be open.

  1. With the observation above in mind, to create a set that contains the given card, we just have to choose any other card. Then the given card with our choice of second card uniquely determines a third card that forms a set.

    There are 80 choices for a second card. However this counts every set twice! To see why, call the card we are given in the question A. Suppose we choose a card B, and the unique third card that forms a set is C. If instead we choose C as the second card, then B is the unique card that forms a set with A and C. So choosing B as the second card results in the same set as choosing C as the second card.

    Therefore the answer is 802=40.

  2. Solution 1: We again rely on the observation above that once we have chosen two cards as part of a set, the third is determined.

    There are 81 ways to choose the first card in our set, and 80 ways to choose the second. However, since there are 3!=6 ways to order the three cards in a set, the number 81×80 counts each set six times. Therefore the number of different sets in a SET! deck is 81×806=1080.

    Solution 2: Using Question 3, we know each card appears in 40 sets. Since there are 81 cards in a full deck, and 3 cards in a set, there are 40×813=1080 sets in a SET! deck.

  3. For this question, we will need to introduce a different way of thinking about the cards. We can encode each card by a 4-tuple (q,r,s,t), where each entry q,r,s,t is either 1, 2, or 3 as in the following table:

    Entry in the 4-tuple Number Shading Colour Shape
    1 1 open red diamond
    2 2 striped green oval
    3 3 solid purple squiggle

    For example, consider the cards from one of the sets from Problem 1 above:

    A set of three cards: 3 red open squiggles, 1 red striped
diamond, and 2 red solid ovals.

    These cards are encoded by the tuples (3,1,1,3), (1,2,1,1), and (2,3,1,2) respectively.

    Let’s think about what it takes for three 4-tuples to form a set. Each coordinate in the tuple (ie, the first, second, third, or fourth entry) corresponds to one of the properties (number, shading, colour, and shape, in that order).

    The condition that a property has the same option across the three cards translates to the entry in the corresponding coordinate being the same across all three 4-tuples. In the example above, all three cards are red. Therefore, the entries in the third coordinates of all three 4-tuples are 1.

    The condition that a property has all different options across the three cards translates to each of 1, 2, and 3 appearing in the corresponding coordinate in the three 4-tuples. In the example above, all three cards have different shadings. Therefore, the entries 1, 2, and 3 appear in some order in the second coordinates of the three 4-tuples.

    Our goal now is to characterise exactly when a collection of three numbers {a,b,c} is either {1,1,1}, {2,2,2}, {3,3,3}, or {1,2,3}. Note that in the last case, a,b,c must be equal to 1,2,3 in some order (not necessarily a=1, b=2, and c=3).

    Suppose a,b,c are three integers, each of which is either 1, 2, or 3. Then a+b+c is a multiple of three exactly when either a=b=c or a, b, and c are all distinct.

    Let’s justify this claim. First, if a=b=c then a+b+c is equal to 3, 6, or 9. If a, b, and c are distinct, then a, b, and c are 1, 2, and 3 in some order. Therefore, a+b+c=1+2+3=6. Now suppose it is not true that all three of a, b, and c are equal or distinct. That means two of the numbers are equal, and one is not. We can check the sum a+b+c in each of these cases. 1+1+2=41+1+3=52+2+1=52+2+3=73+3+1=73+3+2=8. In all of these cases, the sum a+b+c is not a multiple of 3, so the claim is true!

    Great! Let’s harness this by adding up coordinates among tuples to check whether or not three 4-tuples come from cards that form a set.

    To make our lives a little easier, given two 4-tuples, let’s add them together to create another 4-tuple by simply adding up the coordinates. More precisely, given two 4-tuples v=(a,b,c,d) and w=(p,q,r,s), we define v+w=(a+p,b+q,c+r,d+s). If you have experience with vectors, you may recognise that this is exactly how we add two vectors together. Using this definition of addition for 4-tuples, we can repeatedly add as many 4-tuples together as we like!

    In particular, given three 4-tuples we can add them together to get another 4-tuple. The resulting 4-tuple may include entries other than 1, 2, and 3, but that’s okay! By using the claim above, we know that the three 4-tuples correspond to three cards that form a set exactly when the 4-tuple resulting from adding them together has the property that every entry is a multiple of 3. Check for yourself that this works for the example set at the beginning of the solution to Problem 5.

    More precisely, suppose v, w, and u are three 4-tuples corresponding to SET! cards. Then v+w+u has every coordinate a multiple of 3 exactly when the cards corresponding to v, w, and u form a set. Choose your favourite set, and your favourite non-set, and check this for yourself!

    We are now ready to attack the original question. First convert the 81 cards in a SET! deck into 4-tuples. For each coordinate, the integers 1, 2, and 3 appear exactly 27 times each (this is because once the entry in a coordinate has been fixed, there are three different options for each of the remaining three coordinates, and 3×3×3=27). Therefore, for each coordinate, the sum over all 81 entries in that coordinate is 27×1+27×2+27×3=162, which is a multiple of 3.

    Considering the question at hand, we have collected 26 sets from a full SET! deck. We want to show that the remaining three cards also form a set. Let w1,w2,w3 be the three 4-tuples corresponding to the remaining three cards. For the 78 cards used in the 26 sets, label the 78 4-tuples v1,v2,,v78 so that for every positive integer k26, v3k2,v3k1, and v3k form a set (ie, v1,v2,v3 form a set, v4,v5,v6 form a set and so on).

    Then we know that for every positive integer k26, v3k2+v3k1+v3k is a 4-tuple where every coordinate is a multiple of 3. Summing up all of the resulting 4-tuples gives us that v1+v2++v78=(a,b,c,d) where a,b,c,d are all multiples of 3. We also know v1+v2++v78+w1+w2+w3=(162,162,162,162). We can now conclude that w1+w2+w3=(162a,162b,162c,162d). All of 162, a, b, c, and d are all multiples of 3. Therefore, 162a, 162b, 162c, and 162d are multiples of 3. We can finally conclude that w1,w2, and w3 are 4-tuples corresponding to three cards that form a set.