The weather station at the University of Waterloo records information every day. The graph below shows the high temperature each day for one week.
Estimate the highest temperature recorded during this week.
Estimate lowest temperature recorded during this week.
Estimate the biggest change of temperature from one day to the next during this week.
The highest temperature occurs on Saturday. It is between \(20\) degrees and \(25\) degrees. It appears to be slightly closer to \(25\) degrees than \(20\) degrees, so we will estimate the temperature is \(23\) degrees.
The lowest temperature occurs on Wednesday. It is between \(5\) degrees and \(10\) degrees, but is very close to \(10\) degrees. We will estimate the temperature is \(9\) degrees.
We estimate the temperature on Monday to be \(17\) degrees, the temperature on Tuesday to
be \(20\) degrees, the temperature on
Thursday to be \(16\) degrees, the
temperature on Friday to be \(14\) degrees, and the temperature on Sunday
to be \(18\) degrees, along with the
estimations in parts (a) and (b).
Thus, from Monday to Tuesday we estimate that it became \(20-17 = 3\) degrees warmer.
From Tuesday to Wednesday we estimate that it became \(20-9 = 11\) degrees colder.
From Wednesday to Thursday we estimate that it became \(16-9 = 7\) degrees warmer.
From Thursday to Friday we estimate that it became \(16-14 = 2\) degrees colder.
From Friday to Saturday we estimate that it became \(23-14 = 9\) degrees warmer.
From Saturday to Sunday we estimate that it became \(23-18 = 5\) degrees colder.
Therefore, we can estimate that the biggest change of temperature from
one day to the next is \(11\) degrees
between Tuesday and Wednesday.