Problem of the Month
Problem 1: A bit of binary
When we ordinarily write an integer, we write it in base-, using
digits from the set For example,
when we write what we mean is
However, there is nothing special about , and we
can use other numbers as a base! Integers can also be written in base-,
and we call this writing an integer in binary. When writing an
integer in binary, we use powers of instead of powers of , and we
use the "digits" from the set ("digits" is in scare quotes
because binary digits are called bits). We are going to explore
some problems related to writing numbers in binary.
How do we write a number, say , in binary? Well, it’s not that
different to writing it in base-. First, find the largest power of
which is less than or equal to , which is . Subtracting this power gives us
. Then we repeat with
, and continue this way until we
are left with only a power of . With this process looks like this:
Once we are done with this process,
we conclude that . To be completely explicit, More
compactly, we write this as .
This process works great for natural numbers, but it also works great
for all real numbers! Typically, we write real numbers in base-. For
example, means
To write in binary, we follow
the procedure above: find the highest power of less than or equal to , subtract it, and repeat. The first
few steps look like this: Therefore, or more
(take a moment and prove that these calculations are correct, that is,
for example, that is indeed
the largest power of less than or
equal to ).
Before we get started on the questions, here are a couple of
important facts you can take for granted without proof.
Fact 1: The binary expansions and
the same number. This is due to the fact that . As a result, we never write a binary number ending
in an infinite string of ’s. This
is analogous to the fact that the decimal expansions and are decimal expansions of the same
number (that number being the number ).
Fact 2: With Fact 1 taken care of, every
real number has a unique binary expansion.
Compute the binary expansion of .
Let be a positive integer.
Compute the binary expansion of .
Let . Compute and .
In base-, . In
this question we will find the binary expansion of , which will also be
Find a pair of positive integers and so that .
Let (why is the only thing to the left of the
decimal point a ?). Using your
values for and from part (a), write down binary
expansions of
and in terms of the
Compute the binary expansion of . It should look like for some
Compute the binary expansion of .
Let be a prime. Prove that
when is written in binary,
there are infinitely many ’s and
infinitely many ’s.
The floor of a real number is denoted , and is the largest
integer so that . Prove that the sequence contains infinitely
many powers of .