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Problem of the Month
Hint for Problem 1: A bit of binary

October 2024

    1. Compute the binary expansion of 231, 241, and 251. Do you notice any pattern? To prove the pattern always holds, first note that for integer k>1, 2k>2k1>2k1. Then simplify 2k12k1.

    2. Recall that 3>pq if and only if 3>p2q2 (and the same is true of the reverse inequality).

    1. Try searching through different options for k, starting at k=1 and increasing k.

    2. What happens to the decimal expansion of a number when you multiply it by 10k? What happens to the decimal expansion of a number of the form 0.a1a2a3 when you add an integer to it? Do the same things hold true in the world of binary expansions?

    3. From part (b) you have two different binary expansions for the same number. By Fact 2 at the beginning of the list of problems, these two binary expansions must be identical. Compare these expressions to each other.

    4. Start by finding integers k and n so that 2k311=311+n. Such integers do exist. Keep searching for them!

  1. The square root of a positive integer that is not a perfect square is always irrational. You can use this fact without proof.

  2. To find a power of 2 in the sequence, we are seeking integers m and k satisfying 2k<m2<1+2k. Dividing by 2 gives 2k12<m<2k12+12. The first inequality tells us that we should think about multiplying 2 by a power of two. The second inequality has the troublesome 12 term, which is secretly just 212. Think about what happens to the binary expansion of 2 when you multiply it by a power of 2.