Problem of the Month
Problem 5: February 2023
The sequence has
the property that every integer in the sequence is a divisor of the sum
of the integers adjacent to it. That is, is a divisor of ,
is a divisor of , is a divisor of , and so on.
For , the sequence of positive
integers is called a splendid sequence of length if it satisfies conditions S1, S2,
and S3 found below.
S1. is a divisor of
and is a divisor of .
S2. is a divisor of
for each from through inclusive.
S3. There is no prime number that is a divisor of every integer
in the sequence.
For example, is
a splendid sequence because it satisfies S1, S2, and S3. The sequence
satisfies S1 and S2, but
it is not a splendid sequence because it fails S3 since is a divisor of every integer in the
For , is a splendid sequence of
length if it satisfies S1
and S3. Mostly for notational convenience, we also define a splendid
sequence of length to be the
"sequence" . That is, the only
splendid sequence of length
consists of a single integer equal to .
Show that there is only one splendid sequence of length .
Show that there is at least one splendid sequence of every
possible length .
Suppose is a splendid
sequence of length . Show
that for every integer with there is a positive
integer so that
is a splendid sequence of length .
Suppose is a splendid
sequence of length . Show that
For each , show that
there are only finitely many splendid sequences of length .
Find a closed form for the number of splendid sequences of length
. Your answer should be an
expression in terms of .
Note: In part (f), we are asking you to find a
closed form for the number of splendid sequences, the existence of which
immediately implies that there are only finitely many. Hence, one way to
answer part (e) is to answer part (f). With that said, we decided to
include part (e) because it can be done without part (f) and (at least
as far as we can tell) it is quite a bit easier than part (f). Part (f)
is very challenging, so the hint will have more detail than usual.