Remember the condition that no prime number can divide every
integer in a splendid sequence.
Think of an integer that is a divisor of every integer.
Try the positive integer .
Prove that if the divisibility conditions (S1 and S2 in the
problem statement) are satisfied by , then and must both divide every integer in the
Try to write down a few splendid sequences of length at least
. With the hint for (c) in mind,
what do you notice about the largest integer in a splendid sequence?
Show that, for each , there is a
largest possible value that an integer in any splendid sequence of
length can take. For instance, it
can be shown that in a splendid sequence of length , every integer must be less than
There is a famous sequence called the Catalan numbers
where the th Catalan
number equal to . The Catalan
numbers arise in many interesting ways in mathematics. One such way is
that the th Catalan
number is equal to the number of sequences of length with the following properties.
Each is a positive
For each satisfying , . That is, is no more than one more than
(it is allowed to be less than
or equal to ).
In the solution, such sequences will be called tame
sequences. One way to answer this question is to show that the
number of tame sequences of length is equal to the number of splendid
sequences of length and use the
closed form for the number of tame sequences. To do this, we suggest
trying to devise a way to use a tame sequence of length as "instructions" to construct a
splendid sequence of length . The
idea from part (c) will probably be important.
Note: In the solution, we will provide a proof that
the number of tame sequences of length is the th Catalan number. You might
want to try to prove this yourself, but we recommend taking it for
granted when trying to solve part (f).