What are the possible values of ?
How many distinct integers can occur in a triple in ?
Try to generalize the idea in part (c). The constants through do not depend on .
For positive integers and
with , the usual convention is that
. This convention
makes sense for (at least) two reasons. First, there are zero ways to
choose objects from distinct objects if , so " choose " should be equal to . Second, the formula for given by
will have a factor of in the
numerator if .
Directly compute an expression for . It should be a
polynomial with coefficients depending on through . By equating coefficients with the
polynomial , solve for through . After these coefficients are known,
can be computed from .
A polynomial with infinitely many roots must be the constant zero
polynomial. Using this fact, show that for all real numbers,
not just positive integers. This means you need to "extend" to accept inputs that are not
positive integers. Once this is done, determine the values of and . To show that is a factor of for even , consider the values of when is a positive integer.