With the above fact in mind, convince yourself that if is not in Row , then there must be positive integers
and such that and . Now solve for and try to determine how to choose
and to maximize this expression for .
If integers , , , and satisfy and is prime, then
at least one of and must be a multiple of .
The general formula is . In this part and the
rest of the parts, you might find the following observation useful: If
and are integers with , then .
Consider the cases when is
even and when is odd
To formulate a guess at how to find in general, consider some values of
for which you know the value of
and list the positive factors
of in increasing order. If you
are so inclined, you could write some computer code to compute for some moderately sized values of
The value of depends on how
factors, so it is probably
unreasonable to expect a general algebraic expression for similar to . Instead, try to find a
simple procedure to compute
assuming that you already know all the positive factors of .