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Problem of the Month
Problem 1: October 2023

Given a positive integer n, the digit sum of n is the sum of the base 10 digits of n. We will denote the digit sum of n by D(n). For example, D(1409)=1+4+0+9=14.

Suppose that m is a positive integer. We will call a list of consecutive positive integers a,a+1,a+2,,a+k an m-list if none of D(a), D(a+1), d(a+2), and so on up to D(a+k) is a multiple of m. For example, the list 997,998,999,1000,1001,1002 is a 4-list because the digit sums of the integers in the list are 25, 26, 27, 1, 2, and 3, respectively, none of which is a multiple of 4.

This problem explores the maximum length of an m-list for a few values of m.

  1. Show that the maximum length of a 2-list is 2. To do this, you must show that there is a 2-list of length 2 and you must also show that no list of three or more consecutive positive integers can be a 2-list.

  2. Show that the maximum length of a 7-list is 12.

  3. Determine the maximum length of a 9-list.

  4. Determine the maximum length of an 11-list.