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Problem of the Month
Solution to Problem 0: September 2023

    1. r2=f(r1)=2r11r1+2=2(32)132+2=47 r3=f(r2)=2(47)147+2=118 r4=f(r3)=2(118)1118+2=1637

    2. Observe that f(r) is only undefined when r=2, so to choose r1 so that r3=f(r2) is undefined, we need r2=2. Therefore, r2=f(r1)=2, which gives rise to the equation 2r11r1+2=2. Multiplying both sides by r1+2 gives 2r11=2(r1+2), which can be rearranged to get 4r1=3, so r1=34. Indeed, if r1=34, then r2=2 and r3 is undefined.

    1. r2=f(r1)=37+32(37)1=24. r3=f(r2)=24+32(24)1=2149=37=r1 We have that r3=r1, so this means r4=f(r3)=f(r1)=r2, and using these facts, r5=f(r4)=f(r2)=r3=r1. This will continue to get that rn=37 when n is odd and rn=24 when n is even.

    2. First observe that f(r) is undefined only when 2r1=0, or r=12. Therefore, if r1=12, then r2=f(r1) is undefined.

      Now suppose f(r)=12. Then r+32r1=12, which can be rearranged to get the equation 2r+6=2r1. This equation implies 6=1, which is nonsense, and so we conclude that there is no r such that f(r)=12.

      The only way that the sequence can fail to be defined somewhere is if rn=12 for some n. This happens if r1=12, but since 12 is never the output of f, it is not possible that rn=12 unless n=1. Therefore, r1=12 is the only starting value for which the sequence is undefined somewhere.

      Assuming r12, we will now compute a general expression for f(f(r)). Since r12 and f(r)12 regardless of r, there will be no issues with the expression being undefined. f(f(r))=r+32r1+32(r+32r1)1=r+3+3(2r1)2(r+3)(2r1)(multiply through by 2r1)=7r7=r and so we have that f(f(r))=r for all r12. We can use this equation to get r3=f(r2)=f(f(r1))=r1. Next, we can compute r5=f(r4)=f(f(r3))=r3=r1. Continuing, we see that rn=r1 for all odd n. Similarly, r4=f(r3)=f(f(r2))=r2, and we can continue with this reasoning to get that rn=f(r1)=r2=r1+32r11 for all even n.

      To answer the given question, since 2023 is odd, r2023=r1 and since 2024 is even, r2024=r1+32r11.

    1. The values along with their decimal approximations are in the table below.

      Term Value Decimal Approximation
      r1 1 1
      r2 32 1.5
      r3 75 1.4
      r4 1712 1.416667
      r5 4129 1.413793
      r6 9970 1.414286
      r7 239169 1.414201
      r8 577408 1.414216
      r9 1393985 1.414213
    2. We will work with the quantity f(r)2r2 and worry about the absolute value later. f(r)2r2=r+2r+12r2=r+22(r+1)(r+1)(r2)(multiply through by r+1)=r2+22r(r+1)(r2)=r22(r2)(r+1)(r2)=(r2)(12)(r+1)(r2)=12r+1(cancel r2) The result now follows by taking the absolute value of both sides.

    3. Observe that if r is positive, then f(r)=r+2r+1 is also positive since r+2 and r+1 are both positive. It follows that if r1 is positive, then rn is positive for all n. Since rn>0 for all n, rn+1>1 for all n, and taking reciprocals, we get 1rn+1<1 for all n. Since rn+1 is positive, |1rn+1|=1rn+1, so we actually get that |1rn+1|<1 for all n.

      We will now show that |12|<12 (you may already believe this to be true, but the proof presented does not assume that we have a known approximation of 2). To see this, observe that 8<9, and so 8<9 which is the same as 22<3. Dividing both sides by 2, we get 2<32. Subtracting 12+2 from both sides gives 12<12. Now observe that 1<2, so 1<2 or 1<2. Therefore, 12<0.

      We have shown that 12<12<0, which implies that |12|<12. Combining this with |1rn+1|<1, we get |12rn+1|=|1rn+1||12|<1×12=12 so |12rn+1|<12.

      Since rn=f(rn1) for all n2, we can apply part (ii) to get |rn2rn12|=|f(rn1)2rn12|=|12rn1+1|<12 where the final inequality comes from applying what we showed above.

      This implies that for all n2 we have (*)|rn2|<12|rn12|

      Now let’s return to the inequality in the question, which is |rn2|<12n1|r12|.

      When n=2, this inequality is |r22|<12|r12|, which is exactly () when n=2. We have already shown that () is true for all n, so this means the desired inequality is true for n=2.

      When n=3, we can apply () to get |r32|<12|r22|, but we have just shown that |r22|<12|r12|. Therefore, |r32|<12|r22|<12(12|r12|)=122|r12| which shows that the desired inequality holds for n=3.

      By similar reasoning, we can use the fact that the inequality holds for n=3 to prove that it holds for n=4, then we can use that it holds for n=4 to prove that it holds for n=5, and so on to show that the inequality holds for all positive integers n2. We can formalize this using mathematical induction.

      Assume that k2 is an integer for which the inequality |rk2|<12k1|r12| is true. Using () with n=k+1, we have the following |rk+12|<12|rk2| and now using the inductive hypothesis, that |rk2|<12k1|r12|, we get |rk+12|<12(|rk2|)<12(12k1|r12|)=12k|r12| but k=(k+1)1, so we have shown that the inequality holds for the integer k+1.

      To summarize, we have shown that the inequality holds for n=2, and we have shown that if the inequality holds for an integer, then it holds for the next integer. This shows that the inequality holds for all integers n2.

      Finally, since |r12| is a fixed quantity, the quantity 12n1|r12| must get closer and closer to 0 as n gets larger and larger. We also have that |rn2|<12n1|r12| for all n, which means the quantity |rn2|, which is positive, is also getting closer and closer to 0 as n gets larger and larger. It follows that rn2 is very close to zero for very large n, which means rn is very close to 2 for very large n. Keep in mind that this is true for any positive starting value r1.

  1. Here is a brief summary of the behaviours of the sequences.

    When f(r)=r3r2, the sequence will repeat with period 3 as long as at least three terms in the sequence are defined. The only values of r1 for which the sequence has an undefined term are r1=2 and r1=1.

    When f(r)=r15r+3, the sequence will repeat with period 4 as long as at least four terms are defined. The only values of r1 for which the sequence has an undefined term are r1=35, r1=15, and r1=15.

    When f(r)=r1r+2, the sequence will repeat with period 6 as long as at least six terms are defined. The only values of r1 for which the sequence has an undefined term are r1=2, r1=1, r1=12, r1=0, and r1=1.

    When f(r)=2r+23r+3, the sequence is undefined after r1 if r1=1. Otherwise, the sequence has rn=23 for all n2, regardless of the value of r1.

    Note: These examples, together with the one in part (b), show that the sequences can be periodic with period 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6. Do you think that any other periods are possible?

    When f(r)=r+1r2, the sequence converges to 3132 unless the sequence has an undefined term. To get an idea of why, try solving the equation r+1r2=r for r (this can be rearranged to a quadratic equation in r). There are infinitely many values of r1 for which rn is undefined. The first few of them are 2,5,114,267,5919,13740,31497,725217, Can you determine how these values are calculated? You might be interested in computing decimal approximations of these values and looking for a pattern.

    As a final remark, we note that not all sequences are "well-behaved" (either periodic or approaching some value). For an example of a more chaotic sequence, try exploring the example in part (a) a little further. Can you see any pattern at all?