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Grade 9/10 Math Circles
Linear Diophantine Equations Part 2 - Problem Set

  1. This problem will step you through determining all non-negative solutions to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x+57y = 423\).

    1. Use the Euclidean Algorithm to calculate \(\gcd(12,57)\).

    2. Using part (a), determine a solution to \(12x + 57y =3\).

    3. Using part (b), determine a solution to \(12x+57y = 423\).

    4. Using part (c), determine all solutions to \(12x+57y = 423\).

    5. Using your answer in part (d), determine all solutions to \(12x+57y = 423\) with \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\). That is, determine all non-negative solutions to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x+57y = 423\).

    1. Using the Euclidean algorithm, we find \[\begin{align*} 57&=12\cdot 4+9\\ 12&=9\cdot 1+3\\ 9&=3\cdot3+0\end{align*}\] Thus, \(\gcd(12, 57) = 3\).

    2. To find a solution, we will work backwards through the steps in the Euclidean algorithm in our solution to part (a). \[\begin{align*} 3&=\underline{12}-1\cdot\underline{9}& \text{from (2)}\\ &=\underline{12}-1\cdot(\underline{57}-4\cdot\underline{12})& \text{from (1)}\\ &=5\cdot\underline{12}-1\cdot\underline{57}\end{align*}\] Thus, \[12(5) + 57(-1) = 3\] Thus, one solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 3\) is \(x=5\), \(y=-1\).

    3. In part (b), we found that one solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 3\) is \(x=5\), \(y=-1\).

      Multiplying both sides of the equation by \(141\) gives, \[\begin{align*} 141(12(5) + 57(-1)) &= 141(3) \\ 12(141\cdot5) + 57(141\cdot(-1)) &= 423 \\ 12(705) + 57(-141) &= 423 \end{align*}\] Thus, one solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 423\) is \(x=705\), \(y=-141\).

    4. In part (c), we found that one solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 423\) is \(x=705\), \(y=-141\).

      To determine the complete solution, we calculate: \[x = 705+ n\left(\frac{b}{d}\right), \quad y = -141 - n\left(\frac{a}{d}\right)\] Substituting \(a=12\), \(b=57\), and \(d=3\): \[x = 705 + n\left(\frac{57}{3}\right), \quad y = -141 - n\left(\frac{12}{3}\right)\] This simplifies to \(x = 705 +19n\), \(y = -141 - 4n\).

      Thus, the complete solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 423\) is \(x = 705 +19n\),  \(y = -141 - 4n\), where \(n\) is any integer.

    5. In part (d), we found that the complete solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(12x + 57y = 423\) is \(x = 705 +19n\),  \(y = -141 - 4n\), where \(n\) is any integer.

      Now, we also require \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\). Which values of \(n\) will satisfy these conditions?

      \[\begin{align*} x\geq 0 &\implies 705 +19n \geq 0\\ &\implies 19n\geq -705\\ &\implies n \geq -37.105...\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n\geq -37.105\), which tells us that \(n\geq -37\).

      Similarly, \[\begin{align*} y\geq 0 &\implies -141 - 4n \geq 0\\ &\implies -4n\geq 141\\ &\implies n \leq -35.25\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n\leq -35.25\), which tells us that \(n\leq -36\).

      Thus, in order for \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\), we must have \(n\geq -37\) and also have \(n\leq -36\). Thus, there are \(2\) possible values for \(n\): \(-36\), \(-37\).

      Using \(x = 705 +19n\) and \(y = -141 - 4n\), we find there are two solutions to this problem. They are:

      • \(x=21\), \(y=3\) (when \(n=-36\))

      • \(x=2\), \(y=7\) (when \(n=-37\))

  2. Explain why there is no solution to the linear Diophantine equation from Exercise \(2\), \[4182x + 3689 y = 102\] with \(x\geq0\) and \(y\geq 0\).

    In Exercise \(2\), we found that the complete solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(4182x + 3689 y = 102\) is \(x = 90 + 217n\)\(y = -102 - 246n\), where \(n\) is any integer.

    Now, we also require \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\). Which values of \(n\) will satisfy these conditions?

    \[\begin{align*} x\geq 0 &\implies 90 +217n \geq 0\\ &\implies 217n\geq -90\\ &\implies n \geq -0.4147...\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n\geq -0.4147\), which tells us that \(n\geq 0\).

    Similarly, \[\begin{align*} y\geq 0 &\implies -102 - 246n \geq 0\\ &\implies -246n\geq 102\\ &\implies n \leq -0.4146...\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n\leq -0.4146\), which tells us that \(n\leq -1\).

    Thus, in order for \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\), we must have \(n\geq 0\) and also have \(n\leq -1\). There are no values of \(n\) that satisfy both of these inequalities simultaneously. Therefore, there is no solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(4182x + 3689 y = 102\) with \(x\geq0\) and \(y\geq 0\).

  3. Determine all possible ways that \(1000\) can be expressed as the sum of two positive integers, one which is divisible by \(11\) and the other by \(17\).

    In Problem Set #3 for Part 1 we were asked to find one way to express \(1000\) as the sum of two integers, one which is divisible by \(11\) and the other by \(17\).

    In the solution, we saw that this problem is equivalent to asking if there is a solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(11x + 17y = 1000\), and we saw that one solution is \(x=-3000\) and \(y=2000\). (So the two numbers are \(-33\,000\), which is divisible by \(11\), and \(34\,000\), which is divisible by \(17\).)

    We are now looking to find a solutions where both \(x\) and \(y\) are positive.

    First, we can determine the complete solution by calculating: \[x = -3000+ n\left(\frac{b}{d}\right), \quad y = 2000 - n\left(\frac{a}{d}\right)\] Substituting \(a=11\), \(b=17\), and \(d=1\): \[x = -3000 + 17n, \quad y = 2000 - 11n\]

    Thus, the complete solution to the linear Diophantine equation \(11x + 17y = 1000\) is \(x = -3000 + 17n, \ y = 2000 - 11n\), where \(n\) is any integer.

    Now, we also require \(x> 0\) and \(y> 0\). Which values of \(n\) will satisfy these conditions? \[\begin{align*} x> 0 &\implies -3000 + 17n > 0\\ &\implies 17n> 3000\\ &\implies n > 176.47...\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n> 176.47\), which tells us that \(n\geq 177\).

    Similarly, \[\begin{align*} y> 0 &\implies 2000 - 11n > 0\\ &\implies -11n> -2000\\ &\implies n < 181.818...\end{align*}\] So \(n\) is an integer and \(n< 181.818\), which tells us that \(n\leq 181\).

    Thus, when both \(n\geq 177\) and \(n\leq 181\), we will have \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq 0\).

    Thus, there are \(5\) possible values for \(n\): \(177\), \(178\), \(179\), \(180\), \(181\).

    Using \(x = -3000 + 17n\) and \(y = 2000 - 11n\), we find the five solutions to this problem where the two numbers are non-negative. They are:

    • \(n=177\): \(x=9\), \(y=53\), so the two numbers that sum to \(1000\) are \(99\) and \(901\).

    • \(n=178\): \(x=26\), \(y=42\), so the two numbers that sum to \(1000\) are \(286\) and \(714\).

    • \(n=179\): \(x=43\), \(y=31\), so the two numbers that sum to \(1000\) are \(473\) and \(527\).

    • \(n=180\): \(x=60\), \(y=20\), so the two numbers that sum to \(1000\) are \(660\) and \(340\).

    • \(n=181\): \(x=77\), \(y=9\), so the two numbers that sum to \(1000\) are \(847\) and \(153\).

  4. At a museum, an adult ticket costs \(\$34\) and a student ticket costs \(\$28\). A group visiting the museum spends exactly \(\$844\) on tickets. Determine all possible combinations for the number of adult and student tickets they could have purchased.

    Let \(a\) be the number of adult tickets and \(s\) be the number of student tickets purchased.

    Since an adult ticket costs \(\$34\) and a student ticket costs \(\$28\) and a total of \(\$844\) was spent on tickets, we are interested in solving the linear Diophantine equation

    \(34a + 28s = 844\)

    We first use the Euclidean Algorithm to calculate \(\gcd(34, 28)\): \[\begin{align*} \setcounter{equation}{0} 34=28\cdot 1+6\\ 28=6\cdot 4+4\\ 6=4\cdot 1+2\\ 4=2\cdot2+0\end{align*}\] So \(\gcd(34, 28) = 2\). Since \(844\) is divisible by \(2\), there is a solution to this linear Diophantine equation.

    We find a solution to \(34a + 28s = 2\) by working backwards through our steps from the Euclidean Algorithm: \[\begin{align*} 2 &= 6 - 1\cdot \underline{4} & \text{from (3)}\\ &= 6 - 1(28 - 4\cdot 6) & \text{from (2)}\\ &= 5\cdot \underline{6} - 1\cdot28\\ &= 5(34 - 1\cdot28) - 1\cdot28 & \text{from (1)}\\ &= 5(34) - 6(28)\end{align*}\] Therefore, \(34(5) + 28(-6) = 2\).

    Multiplying both sides by \(422\): \[\begin{align*} 422[34(5) + 28(-6)] &= 422(2)\\ 34(422(5)) + 28(422(-6)) &= 844\\ 34(2110) + 28(-2532) &= 844\end{align*}\]

    So a solution is \(a=2110\) and \(s = -2532\). Thus, the complete solution is:
    \(a = 2110 + n(\frac{28}{2}) = 2110 + 14n\) and \(s = -2532 - n(\frac{34}{2}) = -2532 - 17n\)

    Since \(a\) and \(s\) represent the number of tickets sold, we need \(a\geq 0\) and \(s\geq 0\).

    \(a\geq 0\) means that \(2110+ 14n \geq 0\), thus \(14n\geq -2110\) and \(n\geq -150.71...\) 

    Since \(n\) is an integer, we need \(n\geq -150\).

    \(s\geq 0\) means that \(-2532 - 17n \geq 0\), thus \(-17n\geq 2532\) and \(n\leq -148.94...\)
    Since \(n\) is an integer, we need \(n\leq -149\).

    Thus, given the context of the problem, it must be the case that \(-150\leq n\leq -149\).

    When \(n=-150\), we obtain \(a = 2110 + 14n = 2110 + 14(-150) = 10\) and \(s = -2532 -17n = -2532 -17(-150) = 18\).

    When \(n=-149\), we obtain \(a = 2110 + 14n = 2110 + 14(-149) = 24\) and \(s = -2532 -17n = -2532 -17(-149) = 1\).

    Therefore, there are two possibilities for the tickets purchased. There could have been \(10\) adult tickets and \(18\) student tickets purchased, or \(24\) adult tickets and \(1\) student ticket purchased.

  5. Find the smallest positive integer \(x\) so that \(157x\) leaves remainder \(10\) when divided by \(24\).

    We need to first solve \(157x = 24y +10\) for integers \(x\) and \(y\).
    In other words, we need to solve the linear Diophantine equation \(157x - 24y =10\).
    We first use the Euclidean Algorithm, to calculate \(\gcd(157, 24)\): \[\begin{align*} 157&=24\cdot6+13\\ 24&=13\cdot1+11\\ 13&=11\cdot1+2\\ 11&=2\cdot5+1\\ 2&=1\cdot2+0\end{align*}\] Working backwards through these steps, we obtain: \[\begin{align*} 1&=\underline{11}-5\cdot\underline{2} & \text{from (4)}\\ &=\underline{11}-5\cdot(\underline{13}-1\cdot\underline{11})& \text{from (3)}\\ &=6\cdot\underline{11}-5\cdot\underline{13}\\ &=6\cdot(\underline{24} - 1\cdot\underline{13})-5\cdot\underline{13} & \text{from (2)}\\ &=6\cdot\underline{24}-11\cdot\underline{13}\\ &=6\cdot\underline{24}-11\cdot(\underline{157} - 6\cdot\underline{24}) &\text{from (1)}\\ &=72\cdot\underline{24}-11\cdot\underline{157}\end{align*}\] Therefore, \(157(-11) -24(-72) = 1\).

    Multiplying both sides of this equation by 10: \[\begin{align*} 10[157(-11) -24(-72)] &= 10(1)\\ 157(10(-11)) -24 (10(-72)) &= 10\\ 157(-110) -24(-720) &= 10\end{align*}\]

    Therefore, one solution to \(157x-24y = 10\) is \(x = -110\),  \(y=-720\).

    Thus, the complete solution is
    \(x = -110 + (\frac{-24}{1})n = -110 -24n\) and \(y = -720 - (\frac{157}{1})n = -720 -157n\)

    We are asked for the smallest positive value of \(x\). In order to have \(x\geq 0\), we would need \(x = -110 -24n \geq 0\). This implies that \(24n \leq -110\), or \(n\leq -4.583...\).

    Since \(n\) is an integer, this implies that we must have \(n\leq -5\).

    So the smallest possible value for \(x\) is when \(n=-5\), and we have \(x = -110 - 24(-5) = 10\).

    Indeed, we can check. When \(x=10\), then \(157x = 1570\), which has remainder \(10\) when divided by \(24\).

  6. Determine the number of ways you can make exactly \(\$200\) using exactly \(1000\) coins if each coin is a quarter, a dime, or a nickel.

    Let \(q\) represent the number of quarters, \(d\) represent the number of dimes and \(n\) represent the number of nickels.

    From the information given in the problem, we have \[\begin{align*} q +d+n &= 1000\\ 25q + 10d + 5n &= 20\,000\end{align*}\] Dividing equation \((2)\) by \(5\), we obtain \[\begin{align*} 5q + 2d + n &= 4000 \end{align*}\] Subtracting equation \((1)\) from equation \((3)\), we obtain: \(4q + d = 3000\).

    Thus, we need to solve the linear Diophantine equation \(4q + d = 3000\).

    By inspection, one solution to \(4q + d = 3000\) is \(q = 0\), \(d=3000\).

    Therefore, the complete solution is
    \(q = 0 + (\frac{1}{1})k = k\) and \(d = 3000 - (\frac{4}{1})k = 3000 -4k\), where \(k\) is any integer.

    Since \(q+d+n = 1000\), we have \(n = 1000 - q-d = 1000 - k - (3000-4k) = 3k - 2000\).

    Since \(q, d\) and \(n\) represent coins, we also have the constraints \(q\geq 0\), \(d\geq 0\), and \(n\geq 0\).

    Since \(q\geq 0\) and \(q=k\), we have \(k \geq 0\).

    Since \(d\geq 0\) and \(d = 3000 - 4k\), we have \(3000-4k \geq 0\). Solving, we find that \(4k \leq 3000\), and thus \(k\leq 750\).

    Since \(n\geq 0\) and \(n=3k-2000\), we have \(3k-2000 \geq 0\). Solving, we find that \(3k \geq 2000\), and thus \(k\geq 666.\bar{6}\). Since \(k\) must be an integer, we need \(k\geq 667\).

    Thus, \(667\leq k \leq 750\).

    Therefore, there are \(750-667 + 1 = 84\) ways to make exactly \(\$200\) using exactly \(1000\) coins if each is a quarter, dime, or a nickel.

  7. Let \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) be positive integers and consider the linear Diophantine equation \(ax+by=c\). Show that the number of non-negative integer solutions to this equation cannot exceed \(\dfrac{c}{a}\) or \(\dfrac{c}{b}\).

    Solutions to the linear Diophantine equation \(ax+by = c\) correspond to points on the line \(y = -\dfrac{a}{b}x + \dfrac{c}{b}\).

    This line has slope \(-\dfrac{a}{b}\) and \(y\)-intercept \(\dfrac{c}{b}\).

    We can find the \(x\)-intercept of this line by setting \(y=0\) and solving for \(x\): \[0 = -\dfrac{a}{b}x + \dfrac{c}{b} \implies \dfrac{a}{b}x = \frac{c}{b} \implies x = \frac{cb}{ab} = \frac{c}{a}\]

    Therefore, this line has \(x\)-intercept \(\dfrac{c}{a}\).

    The graph of this line looks something like this:


    Notice that the non-negative solutions to the linear Diophantine equation \(ax+by = c\) are exactly the integer points that lie on the line segment from \(\left(0,\frac{c}{b}\right)\) to \(\left(\frac{c}{a},0\right)\). How many of these points can there be?

    Since \(0\leq x \leq \dfrac{c}{a}\), there are at most \(\dfrac{c}{a}\) such points.

    Likewise, since \(0\leq y \leq \dfrac{c}{b}\), there are at most \(\dfrac{c}{b}\) such points.

    Therefore, the number of integer solutions to the linear Diophantine equation \(ax+by=c\) with \(x\geq 0\) and \(y\geq0\) cannot exceed \(\dfrac{c}{a}\) or \(\dfrac{c}{b}\)