The area of quadrilateral is the sum of the areas of and .
Since is
right-angled at , its area equals
Since is
right-angled at , by the
Pythagorean Theorem, because . (We could have also observed
that must be a
"3-4-5" triangle.)
Since is
right-angled at , by the
Pythagorean Theorem, because . (We could have also observed
that must be a
"5-12-13" triangle.)
Thus, the area of
equals . Finally, the area of quadrilateral
is thus .
Solution 1
Suppose that the rectangular prism has dimensions by by .
Suppose further that one of the faces that is by is the face with area and that one of the faces
that is cm by cm is the face with area . (Since every pair of
non-congruent faces shares exactly one side length, there is no loss of
generality in picking these particular variables for these faces.)
Therefore, and .
Further, we are told that the volume of the prism is , and so .
Thus, . (We
could also note that means
or and so .)
In other words, the third type of face of the prism has area .
Thus, since the prism has two faces of each type, the surface area of
the prism is equal to or .
Solution 2
Suppose that the rectangular prism has dimensions by by .
Suppose further that one of the faces that is by is the face with area and that one of the faces
that is by is the face with area . (Since every pair of
non-congruent faces shares exactly one side length, there is no loss of
generality in picking these particular variables for these faces.)
Therefore, and .
Further, we are told that the volume of the prism is , and so .
Since and , we have .
Since and , we have .
This means that .
In , the surface area
of the prism equals .
Thus, the surface area of the prism is .
Let the radius of the smaller circle be and let the radius of the larger
circle be .
Thus, the circumference of the smaller circle is , the circumference of the
larger circle is , the
area of the smaller circle is , and the area of the larger circle is .
Since the sum of the radii of the two circles is , we have .
Since the circumference of the larger circle is larger than the circumference of the
smaller circle, it follows that , or .
Then the difference, in , between the area of the
larger circle and the area of the smaller circle is
Therefore, the difference between the areas is .
Since is a quarter of a
circular pizza with centre and
radius , we have . We are also told that (one-quarter of
Since and
, and are all on the circumference of the
circle, it follows that is a
diameter of the pan. (This is a property of circles: if ,
and are three points on a circle
with , then
must be a diameter of the
Since is a
right-angled isosceles triangle, we have . Therefore, the radius of the
circular plate is or
. Thus, the area of
the circular pan is .
The area of the slice of pizza is one-quarter of the area of a circle
with radius , or .
Finally, the fraction of the pan that is covered is the area of the
slice of pizza divided by the area of the pan, or .
Solution 1
Since is
right-angled at , by the
Pythagorean Theorem, since .
Let . Since
is a rectangle, we have .
Since is
right-angled at , we have .
Since is a rectangle, we
have .
Therefore, , , and are all similar as each is
right-angled and has either an angle of or an angle of (and hence both of
these angles).
Therefore, and so .
Also, and so .
Since is a rectangle, we
have , and .
Finally, the area of quadrilateral equals the area of minus the area . Thus, the required area is
Solution 2
Since is
right-angled at , by the
Pythagorean Theorem, since .
Let . Since
is a rectangle, we have . Since
is right-angled at
, we have .
Since is
right-angled at , we have .
Since is a rectangle, we
have .
Looking at , we see
that , , and .
Since and , we have .
Since and , we have .
Since is a rectangle, we
have , and .
Finally, the area of quadrilateral equals the area of minus the area . Thus, the required area is
Join .
Since is congruent
to , we have .
Since and are each right-angled,
share a common side and have
equal hypotenuses (), it
follows that these triangles are congruent, and so .
Now has two right angles at
and (so and are parallel) and has equal sides
so must be a rectangle. This
means that is also a
Now the diagonals of a rectangle partition it into four triangles of
equal area. (Diagonal of the
rectangle splits the rectangle into two congruent triangles, which have
equal area. The diagonals bisect each other, so the four smaller
triangles all have equal area.)
Since one quarter of rectangle is shaded and one quarter of
rectangle is shaded, it
follows that one quarter of the total area is shaded. (If the area of
is and the area of is , then the total shaded area is , which is one
quarter of the total area .)
Since and , the area of rectangle is , so the total shaded area
is .
Suppose that is the
midpoint of . Suppose that the
centre of the smaller circle is
and the centre of the larger circle is . Suppose that the smaller circle
touches at and at , and that the larger circle touches
at and at . Join , and .
Since and are radii that join the centres of
circles to points of tangency, it follows that and are perpendicular to .
Construct . Since is isosceles, (which is a median by construction) is
an altitude (that is, is
perpendicular to ) and an angle
bisector (that is, ).
Now passes through and . (Since and are tangents from to the same circle, we have . This means that is congruent to by side-side-side. This
means that
and so lies on the angle bisector
of , and so lies on . Using a similar argument, lies on .)
Draw a perpendicular from to
on . Note that is parallel to (since each is perpendicular to ) and that is a rectangle (since it has three
right angles).
Consider and . Each triangle is
right-angled (at and at , respectively). Also, . (This is because
is parallel to , since both are perpendicular to .) Therefore, is similar to . Thus, .
Now and . Also, is the line segment joining the
centres of two tangent circles, so .
Lastly, , since
, , and is a rectangle. Therefore, Therefore, .
Let .
Join to .
We use the fact that the angle between a tangent to a circle and a
chord in that circle that passes through the point of tangency equals
the angle inscribed by that chord. We prove this fact below.
More concretely, (using the chord
and the tangent through ) and
(using the chord and the tangent
through ).
Now is exterior to
and so , and so . Furthermore, is an exterior angle of . Thus, .
In , we have , , and
Thus, or , and
so . Therefore
As an addendum, we prove that the angle between a tangent to a circle
and a chord in that circle that passes through the point of tangency
equals the angle inscribed by that chord.
Consider a circle with centre
and a chord , with tangent meeting the circle at . We prove that if is tangent to the circle, then equals whenever is a point on the circle on the
opposite side of as (that is, the angle subtended by on the opposite side of the
We prove this in the case that is acute. The cases where is a right angle or an obtuse
angle are similar.
Draw diameter and join .
Since is acute,
points and are on the same arc of chord . This means that , since they are
angles subtended by the same chord.
Since is a radius and is a tangent, it follows that . Therefore, we
have .
Since is a diameter, we have
From , we see that
But and and tells us that . This gives us that , as
Solution 1
Draw a line segment through in
the plane of parallel
to and extend this line until it
reaches the plane through , and at on one side and the plane through ,
and at on the other side.
Join to and . Join to and .
So the volume of solid
equals the volume of solid
minus the volumes of solids
and .
Solid is a trapezoidal
prism. This is because and are parallel (since they lie in
parallel planes), which makes
a trapezoid. Similarly, is a
trapezoid. Also, , , , and are all perpendicular to the planes of
these trapezoids and equal in length, since they equal the side lengths
of the squares.
Solids and are triangular-based pyramids. We
can think of their bases as being and .
Their heights are each equal to ,
the height of the original solid. (The volume of a triangular-based
pyramid equals times
the area of its base times its height.)
The volume of equals
the area of trapezoid times
the width of the prism, which is 2.
That is, this volume equals .
So we need to find the length of .
Consider quadrilateral .
This quadrilateral is a rectangle since and are perpendicular to the two side
planes of the original solid. Thus, equals the height of .
Join to the midpoint of . Since is isosceles, is perpendicular to .
and and
, it follows
that is also
right-angled and isosceles with .
Therefore, and so the
volume of is .
The volumes of solids and
are equal. Each has height 2
and their bases and
are congruent,
because each is right-angled (at
and at ) with and .
Thus, using the formula above, the volume of each is .
Finally, the volume of the original solid equals .
Solution 2
We determine the volume of by splitting it into two solids:
and by slicing along the plane of .
Solid is a triangular
prism, since and
are each right-angled
(at and ), , and segments , and are perpendicular to each of the
triangular faces and equal in length.
Thus, the volume of
equals the area of
times the length of . Therefore,
. (This solid can also be viewed as
"half" of a cube.)
Solid is a pyramid with
rectangular base . (Note that
and are perpendicular to the planes of
both of the side triangular faces of the original solid, that and , by the
Pythagorean Theorem.)
Therefore, the volume of
equals , where is the height of the pyramid (that is,
the distance that is above plane
So we need to calculate .
Join to the midpoint, , of and to the midpoint, , of . Join and .
By symmetry, lies directly
above . Since is a rectangle and and are the midpoints of opposite sides, we
have .
Since is right-angled
and isosceles, is perpendicular
to . Since and , it follows that
is also right-angled
and isosceles with .
Also, is the hypotenuse of
the triangle formed by dropping a perpendicular from to in the plane of (a distance of 2) and joining to .
Since is 1 unit horizontally
from , we have .
by the Pythagorean Theorem.
We can now consider . is the height of
this triangle, from to base .
Now .
By the cosine law in , we have Therefore, or
Thus, and so which gives .
(Alternatively, we note that the plane of is parallel to the plane of , and so since the angle between plane
and plane is , it follows that the angle
between plane and plane is also , and so .)
Finally, this means that the volume of is , and so the volume of solid is .
Let .
Since is a parallelogram,
and are parallel with , and and are parallel with .
Since is perpendicular to
and and are parallel, it follows that is perpendicular to . In other words, , and so .
Since is
right-angled at and , we have
Using similar arguments, we obtain that and .
Since and , we have
(Note that since is an angle in a triangle.)
In , and .
Since and , we
have .
Since and , we have .
In , and .
Since and , we
have .
Since and , we have . (To calculate
and , we could also have used the fact that
is similar to .)
Finally, the area of quadrilateral equals the area of parallelogram
minus the combined areas of
and .
The area of parallelogram
equals .
The area of equals
The area of equals
Thus, the area of quadrilateral is .
Solution 1
Consider and .
Since is
equilateral, we have . Since
is equilateral, we
have that .
Since is a straight line and
, we have
Since is a straight line and
, we have
Therefore, is
congruent to
Since and are congruent and and are line segments drawn from the
corresponding vertex ( in both
triangles) to the midpoint of the opposite side, we have .
Since ,
can be obtained by
rotating through an
angle of clockwise about
. This means that after this rotation, coincides with . In other words, .
But since and , we have Therefore, is equilateral, as
Solution 2
We prove that is
equilateral by introducing a coordinate system.
Suppose that is at the origin
with along the -axis, with having coordinates and having coordinates for some real numbers .
Drop a perpendicular from to
on .
Since is
equilateral, is the midpoint of
Since has coordinates and has coordinates , it follows that the coordinates
of are .
Since is
equilateral, we have and so is a -- triangle and so .
Therefore, the coordinates of
are .
In a similar way, we can show that the coordinates of are .
Now is the midpoint of and , and therefore, the
coordinates of are
or .
Also, is the midpoint of and , and therefore, the coordinates
of are
or .
To show that is
equilateral, we show that
or equivalently that : Therefore, and so is equilateral, as
Since is parallel to
, it is parallel to and is perpendicular to .
Drop perpendiculars from to
on and from to on .
Then and are rectangles. Thus, , which means that and , which means that .
Let and . Thus, and .
The area of trapezoid is
The area of trapezoid is
Since these areas are equal, we have ,
which gives .
Since is parallel to , we have and is similar to .
Thus, which gives
Combining and gives or
From this, we get or ,
as required.
Suppose that the parallel line segments and are a distance of apart.
This means that the height of trapezoid is .
Since the side length of square is and the side length of square is , it follows that the distance between
parallel line segments and is or .
Recall that the area of a trapezoid equals one-half times its height
times the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides.
Thus, the area of trapezoid
is .
Also, the area of trapezoid
is .
Therefore, the sum of the areas of trapezoids and is .
This sum is a constant and does not depend on the position of the
inner square within the outer square, as required.