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2023 Team Up Challenge

June 2023

©2023 University of Waterloo

Team Paper Answer Key

Question Answer
1 8
2 9
3 November 12th
4 3
5 16
6 11
7 forest
8 44
9 20
10 10
11 9
12 46.5
13 250
14 15
15 2178

Crossnumber Puzzle Answer Key

8 B 1 9 1 9 B 3 B
2 9 0 B 2 B 9 5 1
2 B 8 4 B 6 3 B 5
8 1 B 1 5 B 6 3 6
B 2 B 6 B 2 B 3 B
8 7 6 B 5 5 B 4 7
1 B 9 7 B 4 3 B 4
9 6 3 B 2 B 8 2 2
B 2 B 3 1 3 8 B 5

Logic Puzzle Answer Key

Position Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
Student's Name Petr Aria Dhruv Maggie Finn Leyla
Title of Art Piece Snowfall Yellow Happiness Quiet Traffic Friday
Type of Art photograph acrylic painting oil painting pencil sketch watercolour painting pastel drawing

Relay Answer Key

Practice Relay
Player Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Answer 6 72 12 240
Relay A
Player Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Answer 5 50 10 620 or 310
Relay B
Player Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Answer 8 98 31 56
Relay C
Player Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Answer 7 7620 168 21

Team Paper Solution

  1. Since 3200÷400=8, then 1×8=8 litres of cream is needed.

    Answer: 8

  2. If n represents the unknown integer in the bottom row, then n+3=5 and so n=2.
    The unknown integers in the next row will be (11)+2=9 and (5)+14=9.
    The integers in the third row will be (9)+5=4, 5+(2)=3, and (2)+9=7.
    The integers in the fourth row will be (4)+3=1 and 3+7=10.
    The integer at the top will then be (1)+10=9.

    Answer: 9

  3. The second, third, and fourth lessons will occur on Tuesday, October 15th, 22nd, and 29th, respectively.
    Since there are 31 days in October, Thursday would be October 31st and so Friday would be November 1st. Thus, the fifth lesson would be on Tuesday, November 5th.
    The sixth (and last) lesson would be on Tuesday, November 12th.

    Answer: November 12th

  4. Since the three smallest regions are each bordering each other, then at least three colours are needed. In fact, it’s possible to colour all the regions so that no two bordering regions are the same colour using exactly three colours. One way is shown in the diagram.

    The 3 regions in the inner circle are coloured yellow, red, and blue, and the corresponding regions in the outer ring are coloured yellow, red, and blue in the same way. The 3 regions in the middle ring are also coloured yellow, red and blue, but offset from the colourings of the inner circle and outer ring. That is, the middle region that borders the red and blue regions in the inner circle and outer ring is coloured yellow, and so on.

    Therefore the fewest number of colours needed is 3.

    Answer: 3

  5. Since x+y is even and less than 7, it follows that x+y=0, x+y=2, x+y=4, or x+y=6.

    Thus, there are 16 possibilities for the coordinates (x,y).

    Answer: 16

  6. The top view shows that the linking cubes are arranged into 6 vertical columns. We label the columns using the letters A,B,C,D,E, and F, as shown.

    The column in the back row is labelled A. The three columns in the middle row are labelled B, C, and D from left to right. The two columns in the front row are labelled E and F from left to right.   

    Then, the three-dimensional figure has 3 layers: a top layer, a middle layer, and a bottom layer. We can count the number of cubes by looking at each of the three layers within each column.

    Therefore, the maximum number of cubes in the figure is 1+2+3+1+2+2=11.

    Answer: 11

  7. We can use a timeline to help us solve this problem, by putting places that Omar visited later to the right of places that he visited earlier. Since Omar went to the pool before he went to the forest, we place "pool" to the left of "forest" on the timeline. Then, since Omar went to the store after he went to both the pool and the forest, we place "store" to the right of "forest".

    A timeline with the following marked in order from left to right: pool, forest, store.

    Since Omar went to the store before the library, we place "library" to the right of "store". Then, since Omar went to the store after he went to the movies, and he went to the movies after he went to the forest, we place "movies" in between "forest" and "store" on the timeline.

    A timeline with the following marked in order from left to right: pool, forest, movies, store, library.

    From the timeline, we can determine that Omar went to the forest second.

    Answer: forest

  8. First, we determine the length of each line segment in the diagram.

    Since CD=12 and G is on CD such that CG=GD, then CG=GD=6.
    Also, EF=CG=6.

    All angles in ABCD are right and so ABCD is a rectangle. Thus, AB=CD=12.
    Since EF=6 and AE=FB, then AE=FB=3.

    Finally, CF=FG=EG=DE=5 and AD=BC=4.

    If a path included every line segment, then the length of such a path would be 52.
    Starting at A, there are two possible line segments, AD and AE, that Ming can highlight. It is not possible for Ming to highlight both without having to highlight one a second time and so only one of AD and AE can be highlighted. Similarly, Ming can only highlight one of CB or FB. Thus, the length of the longest path is less that 52.

    Therefore, the length of the longest connected path that Ming can draw is 44.

    Answer: 44

  9. Since each number in the sequence is determined by the previous number, we can use the second number, 36, to determine the third number in the sequence. We start at the top of the "repeat forever" block with num equal to 36. We add 2 and so num equals 38. Since num<20 is false, we move on to the else statement and subtract 10. Then num equals 28. We print 28.

    Continuing in this way, we determine that the first six numbers in the sequence are: 16,36,28,20,12,28, As soon as we determine that the sixth number is 28, we stop. Since we have repeated an earlier number, then we know that the next number will be 20, and then 12, and then 28 again.

    The third and the sixth numbers are each 28, and the numbers repeat in such a way that every third number, or more specifically every number whose position in the sequence is a multiple of 3, will be 28. Since 2022 is a multiple of 3, the 2022nd number will be 28.
    Then, the 2023rd number will be 20.

    Answer: 20

  10. It is helpful to draw a diagram to show the tokens in each group.

    The first group has 6 red tokens and 5 blue tokens, and the second group has 2 red tokens and 3 blue tokens.

    Notice, that if we look at all of the tokens together as one group, then there are 6+2=8 red tokens and 5+3=8 blue tokens, for a total of 16 tokens. In total, these tokens are worth 54+26=80 points.
    Notice, that these tokens can be divided into eight identical groups of two tokens, where each group contains one red and one blue token.

    In the first group, 5 of the red tokens are paired with 5 of the blue tokens leaving 1 red token. In the second group, the 2 red tokens are paired with 2 of the blue tokens, leaving 1 blue token. The red and blue tokens left are paired.

    Since the eight groups are identical, they are each worth the same number of points.
    So each group of two tokens (one red and one blue) is worth 80÷8=10 points.
    Therefore, if Antwan has one red and one blue token, then he has 10 points.

    Answer: 10

  11. There are 10 possible pairs of test containers. The 4 pairs of test containers that overflowed the container with capacity N will be the 4 pairs with the largest total volume. These 4 pairs of test containers, along with their total volumes, are given in the following table.

    Test Containers Total Volume (mL)
    345 and 310 655
    345 and 284 629
    345 and 275 620
    310 and 284 594

    From the table, the smallest total volume that overflowed the container with capacity N is 594 mL. Thus, the container with capacity N cannot hold 594 mL and so N<594.

    The remaining 6 possible pairs of containers did not overflow the container with capacity N. The largest total volume of these remaining 6 pairs of containers is 585 mL. Thus, the container with capacity N can hold 585 mL (with possibly more capacity remaining). This tells us that N585.

    The possible values of N are as follows: 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593 Therefore, there are 9 possible values of N.

    Answer: 9

  12. Converting to metres, the piece of "620 weight" paper measures 0.25 m by 0.3 m.
    Thus, the area of the paper is 0.075 m2.
    Since 0.075 m2 is 0.075×1 m2, then the mass should be 0.075×620 grams=46.5 grams.

    Answer: 46.5

  13. The probability of selecting a yellow marble is 100%35%50%=15%.
    Since there are 75 yellow marbles, the probability of selecting a yellow marble is also 75T, where T is the total number of marbles.
    These two expressions to calculate the probability of selecting a yellow marble must be equal, and so 15%=15100=75T. Since 15×5=75, it follows that 100×5=T, so T=500. Therefore, there are a total of 500 marbles in the box.
    Since the probability of selecting a purple marble is 50%, then 50% of 500, or 250 marbles are purple.

    Answer: 250

  14. A line can be drawn through N perpendicular to CD. This line divides the rectangle ABCD into two smaller rectangles of equal area.

    The segment AN is a diagonal of one of those rectangles, and thus divides that rectangle in half. Thus, the area of ADN is 14 of the area of ABCD, or 14 of 40 m2, which is 10 m2.

    Similarly, a line drawn through M perpendicular to BC divides the rectangle ABCD into two smaller rectangles of equal area.

    The segment AM is a diagonal of one of those rectangles, and thus divides the area of the rectangle in half. Thus, the area of ABM is 14 of the area of ABCD, or 14 of 40 m2, which is 10 m2.

    A line drawn through M perpendicular to BC and a line through N perpendicular to CD together divide ABCD into four smaller rectangles of equal area.

    The segment MN is a diagonal of one of those rectangles, and thus divides the area of the rectangle in half. Since 12 of 14 is 18, the area of MCN is 18 of the area of ABCD, or 18 of 40 m2, which is 5 m2.

    Therefore, the area of AMN is 4010105=15 m2.

    Answer: 15

  15. Notice that since 3000×4=12000, which is a five-digit number, it follows that ABCD<3000 and thus A=1 or A=2. Since A is the ones digit of DCBA, which is a multiple of 4, it follows that A must be even and thus A=2.

    The four-digit integer 2 B C D times 4 equals the four-digit integer D C B 2.

    Since ABCD>2000, it follows that DCBA>2000×4=8000. Therefore, D=8 or D=9. Furthermore, we know that D×4 has ones digit A=2, and so D=8 is the only possibility.

    The four-digit integer 2 B C 8 times 4 equals the four-digit integer 8 C B 2.

    Since 2300×4=9200, then B<3 and so B=0, B=1, or B=2. However, B is also the ones digit of 4C+3 which is odd for every value of C. Thus, B=1 is the only possibility.

    The four-digit integer 2 1 C 8 times 4 equals the four-digit integer 8 C 1 2.

    Since 4C+3 has a ones digit of 1, then C=2 or C=7. Testing both values, we determine that C=7 is the only value that satisfies the given equation.
    Therefore, the four-digit number ABCD is 2178.

    Answer: 2178

Crossnumber Puzzle Solution


8 B 1 9 1 9 B 3 B
2 9 0 B 2 B 9 5 1
2 B 8 4 B 6 3 B 5
8 1 B 1 5 B 6 3 6
B 2 B 6 B 2 B 3 B
8 7 6 B 5 5 B 4 7
1 B 9 7 B 4 3 B 4
9 6 3 B 2 B 8 2 2
B 2 B 3 1 3 8 B 5

Across Answers

  1. The sum of the digits in 8228 is 8+2+2+8=20. From the grid, the thousands digit and the tens digit of this number are 1. Since 2011=18, the sum of the remaining two digits is 18. This is only possible if the hundreds digit and ones digit are both 9. Thus, the number must be 1919.

  2. In 1 metre there are 100 centimetres, and so it follows that in 2.9 metres there are 2.9×100=290 centimetres.

  3. From the grid, the tens digit of this number is 5 and the ones digit is 1.
    The only three-digit number in this sequence with tens digit 5 and ones digit 1 is 951.

  4. From the grid, the tens digit is 8. The only two-digit number with a tens digit of 8 that is the sum of three consecutive even integers is 26+28+30=84.

  5. In 1 week there are 7 days, and so it follows that in 9 weeks there are 9×7=63 days.

  6. From the grid, the ones digit of this number is 1. The only two-digit number with a ones digit of 1 that is the product of two equal integers is 81.

  7. Since 311=1555, the number is 15.

  8. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 6 and the ones digit is 6. They have a product of 36. Since 108÷36=3, the tens digit must be 3. Thus, the number is 636.

  9. From the grid, the tens digit is 7 and the hundreds digit is 8. Since 7 is the median of 8 and 6, the ones digit must be 6, and the number is 876.

  10. The sum is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55.

  11. The smallest prime number greater than 43 is 47.

  12. The largest prime number less than 100 is 97.

  13. The result is 5512=43.

  14. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 9 and the ones digit is 3. Since 9 is the largest a digit can be, it must be the sum of the other two digits. As such, the number must be 963.

  15. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 8 and the ones digit is 2. Since the mode of the digits is 2, the tens digit must be 2. Thus, the number is 822.

  16. The perimeter is equal to 2×( 876+693 )=2×1569=3138.

Down Answers

  1. From the grid, the hundreds digit of this number is 2. It follows that the tens digit is 2.
    From the grid, the ones digit is 8. It follows that the thousands digit is 8.
    Thus, the number must be 8228.

  2. 63+5510=11810=108.

  3. A cube has a total of 12 edges.

  4. A rectangle with perimeter 156 and length 43 has width 35 since 2×( 43+35)=156.
    Thus, the number is 35.

  5. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 9 and the tens digit is 3. Since 3,6, and 9 are the only single-digit positive multiples of 3, the ones digit must be 6. Thus, the number is 936.

  6. 80% of 195 = 0.8×195=156.

  7. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 4 and the tens digit is 1. The only number with these digits that is divisible by 4 and 13 is 416.

  8. The number of quarters is $31.75÷$0.25=127.

  9. From the grid, the hundreds digit of this number is 3 and the ones digit is 4.
    The only three-digit number in this sequence with hundreds digit 3 and ones digit 4 is 334.

  10. The sum of the digits in 416 is 4+1+6=11. From the grid, the tens digit of this number is 5 and the ones digit is 4. Since 1154=2, this number is 254.

  11. Since 863=104819, the number is 819.

  12. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 6 and the tens digit is 9. Since the digits are the same as the digits in 936, the ones digit must be 3. The number is 693.

  13. The volume is equal to 55×15×9=7425.

  14. From the grid, the hundreds digit is 3. The only number that is a multiple of 97 and has a hundreds digit of 3 is 388.

  15. From the grid, the tens digit is 6. If the difference is 4 then the ones digit is either 4 less than 6 or 4 more than 6. But 6+4=10, which isn’t a single digit. Thus, the ones digit is 64=2 and the number is 62.

  16. The six faces on a standard die have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 dots. The total number of dots is 1+2+3+4+5+6=21.

Logic Puzzle Solution

We start by considering clues (1) and (6):

  1. The piece titled Traffic, which is not a photograph, is next to Maggie’s piece.

  2. Leyla’s piece was placed in position 6 next to a piece titled Traffic.

Since Leyla’s piece is in position 6, it follows that the piece titled Traffic must be in position 5. Then Maggie’s piece must be in position 4.

Next we consider clues (2), (5), and (7):

  1. Aria’s piece titled Yellow is next to the photograph.

  2. Dhruv’s piece is next to both Aria’s piece and a pencil sketch titled Quiet.

  3. The photograph was not taken by Dhruv or Maggie.

Since Aria’s and Dhruv’s pieces are next to each other, then they must be in two of the first three positions. Since Aria’s piece is also next to the photograph, and since the photograph was not taken by Maggie or Dhruv, it follows that Aria’s piece, Dhruv’s piece, and the photograph must be in the first three positions, in some order. The only way for Aria’s piece to be next to both the photograph and Dhruv’s piece is if Aria’s piece, titled Yellow, is in position 2.

That leaves Dhruv’s piece in either position 1 or position 3. If Dhruv’s piece is in position 1, then it cannot be next to a piece called Quiet since Aria’s piece, titled Yellow, is in position 2. Thus, Dhruv’s piece must be in position 3. It follows that Maggie’s piece, in position 4, is a pencil sketch title Quiet.

It then follows that the photograph must be in position 1.

The following partially-completed table contains the information we have determined so far.

Position Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
Student's Name Aria Dhruv Maggie Leyla
Title of Art Piece Yellow Quiet Traffic
Type of Art photograph pencil sketch

Next we consider clue (4):

  1. The acrylic painting is next to both the photograph titled Snowfall, and the oil painting titled Happiness.

This tells us Snowfall is in position 1, the acrylic painting is in position 2, and then the oil painting titled Happiness is in position 3.

The following partially-completed table contains the information we have determined so far.

Position Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
Student's Name Aria Dhruv Maggie Leyla
Title of Art Piece Snowfall Yellow Happiness Quiet Traffic
Type of Art photograph acrylic painting oil painting pencil sketch

Next we consider clue (8):

  1. The piece titled Friday, which is not a watercolour painting, is next to Finn’s piece.

Since the only title that has not yet been filled in is in position 6, it follows that this piece must be Friday. Then Finn’s piece is in position 5. Since Friday is not a watercolour painting, it follows that Traffic must be the watercolour painting. Then Friday must be the pastel drawing.

Finally we consider clue (3):

  1. The title of Petr’s piece is not Friday.

The only student’s name that has yet to be filled in is in position 1, so this must be Petr’s piece.

This completes the logic puzzle.

Position Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
Student's Name Petr Aria Dhruv Maggie Finn Leyla
Title of Art Piece Snowfall Yellow Happiness Quiet Traffic Friday
Type of Art photograph acrylic painting oil painting pencil sketch watercolour painting pastel drawing

Relay Solution

(Note: Where possible, the solutions are written as if the value of N is not initially known, and then N is substituted at the end.)

Practice Relay

Answer: 6, 72, 12, 240

Relay A

Answer: 5, 50, 10, 620 or 310

Relay B

Answer: 8, 98, 31, 56

Relay C

Answer: 7, 7620, 168, 21