2021 Beaver Computing Challenge
(Grade 5 & 6)
Questions, Answers, Explanations, and Connections
Anja makes a design on the ground using the following four types of objects.
She then places sticks in her design according to her very important rule:
Sticks cannot be placed between objects that are the same type.
Here is Anja’s completed design:
Suddenly a bird swoops in and eats the ! Anja would like to avoid
having this happen again.
If possible, Anja would like to replace the with a different type of
object, and without moving any sticks. Without breaking her very
important rule, which object can Anja replace the
(D) It is not possible. Only a could go there.
Unfortunately, Anja is not going to be able to replace the strawberry with a different type of object, without breaking her very important rule.
In Anja’s original design, the strawberry had sticks between it and every other
type of object. Changing the strawberry to anything other than another
strawberry would force a stick to exist between two objects of the same
Anja’s design is an example of a graph. The objects are the vertices of the graph and the sticks are the edges of the graph. Two objects that have a stick between them, which is equivalent to two vertices that have an edge between them, are called neighbours.
The problem that is being asked here is related to graph colouring. That is, we try to determine how many colours are needed so that every vertex is coloured a different colour than all of its neighbours. The problem of how to colour a graph using the minimum possible number of colours has many applications, such as scheduling sports competitions, designing a seating plan, and even solving a Sudoku puzzle.
Emil has six different coins.
Emil placed the six coins on a table, one at a time. Some coins were placed on top of other coins so that they overlap as shown.
Which coin was the fourth coin that Emil placed on the table?
To determine the correct answer, we reverse the process.
Notice that the coin in the bottom-left
corner is the only coin that has no other coins on top of it. This means
it must have been placed on the table last and was therefore the sixth
coin to be placed. Before this coin was placed, the coins on the table
must have looked like this:
Now the only coin that has no other coins on top of it is the coin
. This coin must have been placed
second to last and was therefore the fifth coin to be placed. Before
this coin was placed, the coins on the table must have looked like
Now the only coin that has no other coins on top of it is the coin
. This coin must have been placed
third to last and was therefore the fourth coin to be placed.
Continuing this process, we find that the coins were placed on the table in the following order:
The coins in the picture are laid in a sequence, and the order of the sequence matters.
There are many sequences where the order matters. For example, when getting dressed, putting on shoes should come after putting on pants.
Another example is describing to a computer how to draw a picture. Drawing a circle, then two dots, and then a curved line, will produce a smiley face, as shown in the picture below.
If the order was different, and the circle was drawn last, the two dots and curved line would have been hidden behind the circle.
Computers internally usually also work sequentially. Most computer programs are written so that first one action and then another action happens. So a computer program for drawing a smiley face could look like this:
Czech Republic
There are three bins, two balls, and a robot arm that can pick up the balls. Originally, one ball is in bin A and another is in bin B. Bin C is empty.
Then the robot arm completes the following steps in the order given:
When the robot arm is finished, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The ball originally in bin A is now in bin B, and the ball originally in bin B is now in bin A.
Originally, the balls were in bins A and B as shown.
The following diagrams show the contents of the bins after each step.
After Step 1:
After Step 2:
After Step 3:
We see that when the robot arm is finished, the ball originally in bin A is now in bin B, and the ball originally in bin B is now in bin A.
One important aspect of problem solving is keeping track of the state of all items that we are interested in. In this problem, the state is the position of the balls in the three bins.
The state of this problem can be thought of as three variables each of which represents which ball is in a particular bin. Each movement of the robot arm changes the values of two of the variables: the variable/bin that has a ball removed, and the variable/bin that has a ball added to it.
Keeping track of the state is important in many applications. For example, in solving a sudoku puzzle, playing a game of chess, or the current position on a map app on a phone, keeping track of the state is crucial to determine what the “next” state should be.
When writing a computer program, a programmer has to decide what state(s) they need to keep track of, and use the values of variables to remember what the current state is.
A beaver wants to take a path to the river. Each path passes by three different types of fruit as shown.
The beaver must pass by a pineapple
which is its favourite fruit.
The beaver must not pass by an orange
which it is allergic to.
How many of the eight possible paths can the beaver take?
(B) 3
We consider the paths from the top to the bottom of the diagram. The top two paths do not pass by a pineapple. The next three paths pass by an orange. Only the bottom three paths pass by a pineapple but not an orange.
For this problem, the beaver is walking through a directed graph, specifically, a tree.
A tree is composed of a root node, which is where the beaver begins its journey. Each point where there is a fruit is called a node in the tree. The eight fruits near the river are the leaf nodes of the tree.
Instead of exploring all eight paths in the tree, we can use the technique of tree pruning to decrease the number of paths that are explored. Specifically, whenever we encounter an orange on a path, we can avoid searching any of the subtrees of that node. This technique is used in artificial intelligence to speed up searching through a set of possibilities.
There are 5 animal homes connected by paths with a carrot on each path, as shown.
Rina Rabbit lives in house R. It takes Rina 1 minute to walk on any path between two homes.
Which of the following routes allows Rina to pick up all the carrots and return home in the shortest amount of time?
(A) R
Since there is a carrot on each path, Rina must walk on each path in order to pick up all the carrots. The route in Option A uses each path exactly once and therefore picks up all the carrots. It is the fastest route because it does not use any path more than once.
For completeness, we will explain why the other routes are not correct.
The route in Option B picks up all the carrots, but it takes more time than the route in Option A because it uses some paths twice.
The routes in Option C and Option D do not pick up all the carrots.
A graph consists of a set of vertices or nodes (usually depicted as points or circles) and a set of edges (usually depicted as lines, possibly curved, sometimes directed with an arrow). The edges connect vertices. A sequence of connected edges in a graph is called a path.
In this problem, the homes are the vertices, and each path with a carrot is an edge. This graph is special, since it is connected (there is a path from any vertex to any other vertex by following edges of the graph) and no vertices have an odd number of adjoining edges.
For graphs that have these two special properties, there is a way to follow all the edges in the graph exactly once, which is called an Eulerian path named after Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) who first described this problem. Euler came up with the concept by trying to solve the problem of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. Today we can find Eulerian paths by applying the well-known Fleury’s algorithm or Hierholzer’s algorithm.
Friends give presents to one another according to the following two rules.
Here is an example where Cat gives a present to Mouse, and Mouse gives a present to Cat:
Cow, Cat, Dog and Mouse give presents to each other. Which of the following options does not follow the rules?
Option C does not follow the rules because Cow gives two presents but does not receive any, and Dog receives two presents but does not give any, as shown below.
According to the first rule, each friend must give exactly one present, and according to the second rule, each friend must receive exactly one present, so Option C breaks both rules.
Options A, B, and D all follow the two rules.
In Option A, Cat gives a present to Cow, Cow gives a present to Mouse, Mouse gives a present to Dog, and Dog gives a present to Cat.
In Option B, Cow exchanges presents with Mouse, and Cat exchanges presents with Dog.
In Option D, Cow gives a present to Dog, Dog gives a present to Cat, Cat gives a present to Mouse, and Mouse gives a present to Cow.
This task can be thought of as a problem of testing, and specifically verification of output. There are two rules that need to be verified for each sequence: each “giver” must appear exactly once (Rule 1), and each “receiver” must appear exactly once (Rule 2).
Testing is a crucial part of the software life cycle. The software life cycle includes
The testing process in this problem involves scanning the possible answers to verify that both Rule 1 and Rule 2 are satisfied. In general, the amount of testing increases rapidly as the program code grows and possibly changes over time, due to fixes to software errors or new features being added to the program. Testing can also act as a certificate of correctness for both the creators and the users of the software.
In Saoirse’s country there are four different types of coins. Some coins are the same on both sides, and some are not. The images below show both sides of each type of coin.
Saoirse has the following bag of coins:
Then the bag is shaken and the coins in the bag move around.
Which of the following could be Saoirse’s bag of coins after it was shaken?
Notice that we need to see only one side of each coin to determine which type of coin it is. One way to find the correct answer is to compare the number of coins of each type in Saoirse’s bag to the number of coins of the same type in each of the four other bags. This is summarized in the table below.
Saorise’s Bag |
Bag A |
Bag B |
Bag C |
Bag D |
4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | |
2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 4 | |
1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
From the table we can see that Bag (C) is the only bag that has the same number of each type of coin as Saorise’s bag. It follows that only Bag (C) could be Saoirse’s bag after it was shaken.
This task is concerned with finding a bijection between Saoirse’s bag and one of the bags A, B, C, or D. A bijection is a way to pair every element from one set to every element in the other set, so that there are no unpaired elements in either set.
There are
The constraints that can be applied are the number of particular coins of each type in each bag. Specifically, a coin of a certain type must be mapped to exactly the same type of coin in the other bag. This greatly reduces the number of possibilities to examine.
Looking for patterns and eliminating possibilities is a fundamental concept in constraint programming, which is a technique used in artificial intelligence.
A jeweller makes necklaces with hidden messages by replacing each
letter of the alphabet with a bead pattern. Bead patterns are made using
heart and diamond
beads, and the same bead pattern always
represents the same letter. Letters in a message are separated by oval
beads and messages are read from left
to right.
Here are two of the necklaces the jeweller has made along with their
hidden messages.
Necklace | Hidden Message |
Which of the following necklaces has the hidden message ART?
The letter A is the second letter in the message CARE, so the bead
pattern for A is
The letter R is the second letter in the message TRUTH, so the bead
pattern for R is
The letter T is the first letter in the message TRUTH, so the bead
pattern for T is .
Stringing these together from left to right and separating them with oval beads gives the necklace in Option D.
Though not required, we can use this method to find the hidden messages in the other necklaces as well. Option A contains the message CAT, Option B contains the message ARE, and Option C contains the message TAR.
This task focusses on encoding. Encoding is the
process of applying a code to data in order to represent the data in a
different but equivalent way. In this task, the encoding of letters is
based on the Morse code, where the dot() of Morse code is replaced by
and the dash(
) is replaced by
Morse code is one example of an encoding of letters to a sequence of symbols. Two other common encodings of characters to symbols that are used in transmitting digital messages are ASCII, which deals with simple text characters, and Unicode, which deals with characters in any language as well as emojis.
How to encode and decode information falls under a field of research called information theory which includes the study of data compression (how to store data using less memory) and cryptography (how to store or send information securely).
On Lake Castor, lilypads are arranged in a grid, where rows are numbered from 1 to 5, and columns are labelled from A to H. Beaver Bob starts on pad A1 (in the bottom-left corner), and Beaver Nora starts on pad H3.
The beavers can move from one lilypad to another lilypad only if they are following an arrow. The beavers do not necessarily move at the same speed.
Which of the following statements is true?
(D) The beavers could meet on pad C5.
At his starting position, Bob has two options. If he goes “up”, then he will either run into the dead end at A3 or get stuck in the loop that begins at B4. If he goes “right”, he will follow the arrows to D3. At D3 he can either go to C3 which goes into a loop that will take him back to D3, or go to D4, which leads to a dead end at C5.
Nora also has two options at the start. If she goes “down”, she will run into the dead end at G2. If she goes “up”, she will reach G3. From there she can either run into the G2 dead end again, or go “left” and reach E5. There she can either go into a loop that will take her back to E5, or reach another dead end at C5.
Since Bob can reach C5 as well, the beavers could meet at C5 using the routes shown below.
But this does not yet fully guarantee that they cannot meet at F4 or C2 either. The next picture shows the set of pads that Bob (white) and Nora (dark gray) can reach by following the arrows in any possible way. We can see that C5 is the only pad common to both sets.
One way to find a solution to this problem is to apply a depth first search (DFS) algorithm, which is also known as a backtracking algorithm. This technique tries to reach the destination by “moving forward” until either the solution is found, or there are no more possible “forward” movements, at which point we “backtrack” to an earlier position and try another path forward.
This backtracking concept is a technique used in many applications: solving puzzles like sudoku, determining possible moves in games like chess, or combinatorial optimization problems like how to ship packages to a variety of locations as cost-effectively as possible.
Paintings are brought to a warehouse for inspection before they are delivered to museums. The paintings are stacked on top of each other. When a painting arrives at the warehouse, it is put on top of the stack. When a delivery person departs with a painting, they take the painting from the top of the stack.
Records are kept of all paintings arriving at the warehouse and departing from the warehouse:
Time | Painting |
11:40 | Beavers on the Grass |
12:15 | Happy Beaver |
12:55 | Sun and Moon |
13:30 | Enchanted Forest |
14:18 | Oak and Birch |
Time | Delivery Person |
12:25 | Pia |
13:35 | Raz |
14:35 | Stu |
14:40 | Quy |
15:20 | Raz |
Which delivery person took “Sun and Moon” to a museum?
(B) Quy
There are two important types of events: a painting is put on the
stack and a delivery person takes a painting from the top of the stack.
From the two given tables, we build a single new table that displays
both types of events together and the state of the stack after each
event. We add rows to the table in chronological order stopping when we
learn which delivery person took “Sun and Moon" to a museum.
Time | Event | Paintings on the stack |
11:40 | Arrival of Beavers on the Grass | Beavers on the Grass |
12:15 | Arrival of Happy Beaver | Happy Beaver, Beavers on the Grass |
12:25 | Pia takes Happy Beaver | Beavers on the Grass |
12:55 | Arrival of Sun and Moon | Sun and Moon, Beavers on the Grass |
13:30 | Arrival of Enchanted Forest | Enchanted
Forest, Sun and Moon, Beavers on the Grass |
13:35 | Raz takes Enchanted Forest | Sun and Moon, Beavers on the Grass |
14:18 | Arrival of Oak and Birch | Oak and Birch, Sun and Moon, Beavers on the Grass |
14:35 | Stu takes Oak and Birch | Sun and Moon, Beavers on the Grass |
14:40 | Quy takes Sun and Moon | Beavers on the Grass |
There are three computer science concepts used in this task.
The first concept is the use of a stack. In this
task, the paintings are placed on a stack, but there is also the
computer science data structure called a stack,
which relies on the model of Last In, First Out
The second concept is the concept of merging sorted
data. To reach the solution, the two sorted lists of events
which are sorted by timestamps were merged into one sorted list. This
process is one key component of the merge sort
algorithm, which relies on the divide and conquer
problem solving technique.
The third concept is the concept of tracing the execution of a
program. We can consider the arrivals and departures of
paintings as a sequence of instructions in a
program. To find the delivery person who took the “Sun and Moon”
painting, we can keep track of the state of the
program after each instruction (arrival or departure) is executed, and
once the desired state is reached (when the “Sun and Moon” painting is
picked up), we can stop tracing.
Here is a line of shapes.
The line has a run of stars of length 2. A run is an unbroken chain of identical shapes.
Ali likes to create long runs by changing shapes. For example, if Ali changes the middle square to a star in the line above, then he can create a longer run of length 4.
Suppose Ali chooses and changes exactly 3 of the 16 shapes in the following line:
What is the length of the longest possible run that Ali can create?
(C) 6
To show that Option C is correct, we need to prove two things:
A run of length 6 can be made by changing the second star, third circle, and second square to triangles, as shown.
To prove that a run with length greater than 6 is not possible, consider what it would mean if there was a longer run. It would mean there is a run of length 7. Remember that Ali changes only 3 shapes. Therefore, any run of length 7 must come from an unbroken chain of length 7 with 4 identical shapes in it.
There are ten unbroken chains of 7 shapes in the original sequence, the first few of which are shown below.
As we can see, none of these unbroken chains of length 7 have 4 identical shapes in them. Convince yourself that this is also true for the remaining unbroken chains of length 7. This means that it is not possible to have a run of length 7.
We have shown there are 6 shapes in the longest possible run.
This task is related to finding a longest substring that matches some given criteria. A substring is a sequence of adjacent characters, such as “ubs” within “substring”.
One of the most studied applications of the longest substring in computer science is the longest common substring between two strings. Finding the longest common substring is used in plagiarism detection to determine if a document contains a significant amount of copied material. Another application of longest common substring is in data deduplication, where redundant copies of data (such as duplicate files on a disk drive) are found and removed.
Doreen uses old things as supplies to make new items; this is called upcycling. Doreen upcycles her supplies into wheels, bicycles, and tricycles, then sells her new items at the market. The supplies needed to make each new item are shown in the table.
Supplies Needed | New Item |
Tire + Iron Bar |
Wheel |
2 Wheels + Iron Bar |
Bicycle |
Bicycle + Wheel |
Tricycle |
Doreen has 9 tires and 11 iron bars. What is the maximum number of tricycles she can make?
(B) 2
First we will work backwards to determine how many tires and iron bars are needed to make one tricycle. The tree diagram below illustrates this process.
As we can see, one tricycle requires 3 tires and 4 iron bars. This
means two tricycles require 6 tires and 8 iron bars, and three tricycles
require 9 tires and 12 iron bars.
Doreen has 9 tires and 11 iron bars, so she can make two tricycles but
doesn’t have enough iron bars to make three tricycles.
Efficient use of resources is a common problem in society, and
computer scientists can write optimization
algorithms that make the most efficient choices as
One strategy for an optimization algorithm is to use a greedy
strategy. This task can be solved using a greedy strategy.
Doreen builds as many wheels as possible, then as many bicycles as
possible, and finally, as many tricycles as possible.
More generally, a greedy strategy involves making the best choice at
each stage in the hopes of finding the best solution. In this way, it
makes one greedy choice after another, reducing the given problem into a
smaller one.
However, not every problem can be solved optimally using a greedy
strategy. For example, knapsack problems usually
do not have optimal solutions that can be found using a greedy strategy.
Nevertheless, the greedy strategy is still useful because it is easy to
describe and implement and often gives a good approximation to the
optimal solution.
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