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2019 Beaver Computing Challenge
(Grade 9 & 10)

Questions, Answers, Explanations, and Connections

Part A

Beaver Coins


Beavers use coins with the following values:

Coin Coin with 16 kernels. Coin with 8 kernels. Coin with 4 kernels. Coin with 2 kernels. Coin with 1 kernel.
Value 16 8 4 2 1


Which of the following total values can be made using exactly three coins?

  1. 23
  2. 2
  3. 38
  4. 13


(D) 13

Explanation of Answer

Since 1+4+8=13, a total value of 13 can be made using exactly three coins: one coin of value 1, one coin of value 4, and one coin of value 8. So Option D is correct but what about the other options?

It is not possible to make a total value of 2 using exactly three coins because each coin has a value of 1 or more.

To make a total value of 23, first notice that the coin of value 1 is the only coin with an odd value. The other coins all have even values and adding even valued coins can only make even total values. So, to make a total value of 23 we need one coin of value 1 and two coins that make a total value of 22. However, this is not possible. If we used a coin of value 16 we would need another coin of value 6. If we used a coin of value 8 we would need another coin of value 14. If we used a coin of value 4 we would need another coin of value 18. If we used a coin with a value less than 4, we would need another coin with a value greater than 18.

Finally, to make a total value of 38, at least one coin of value 16 is needed. This is because using three coins of value 8 would only make a total value of 24. So, to make a total value of 38 we need one coin of value 16 and two coins that make a total value of 22. As shown above, this is not possible.

Connection to Computer Science

In mathematics class, we often think of numbers obtained by sums of multiples of 1, 10, 100, 1000, etcetera. This is the decimal number system where the number 10 is the base of the system. In this problem, you are asked to think about which values can be obtained by using coins with the values 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. We can think of the base here as 2 and we are exploring what is called the binary system. While humans generally think and communicate using the decimal system, computers generally operate in the binary system. This is because the operation of a computer is fundamentally based on whether or not there is enough electricity at some point. Either there is, or there isn’t. There are exactly two possibilities.

The idea of using different bases and number systems is not new. Far before computers were invented, ancient peoples used these ideas. One example is the abacus, which has been used by many different civilizations for thousands of years.

Country of Original Author


Special Towers


Consider the towers shown.

Eleven towers in a row with the 1st on the left and the 11th on the right. The 2nd tower in the row is the shortest tower and the 10th tower is the tallest. The towers from shortest to tallest are as follows: 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 4th, 7th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 10th.

A tower is special if all towers to the left of it are shorter, and all towers to the right of it are taller.


How many special towers are there?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4


(C) 3

Explanation of Answer

Figures 1 and 2 show that the eighth tower is special. A tower is special if all the tips of the towers to the left are within the coloured rectangle (see Figure 1); and if all the tips of the towers to the right are outside the coloured rectangle (see Figure 2).

A coloured rectangle with the height of the eighth tower is placed over the first seven towers. These seven towers are short enough to be contained in the rectangle.
Figure 1
A coloured rectangle with the height of the eighth tower is placed over the last three towers in the row. These three towers are all too tall to be contained in the rectangle.
Figure 2

One possible way to find all the special towers is to move through all the towers, one by one, and mark a tower if all to the left of it are shorter (see Figure 3). Then make a similar second pass, marking a tower if all to the right of it are taller (see Figure 4).

Checkmarks are placed below the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th towers.
Figure 3
Checkmarks are placed below the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 11th towers.
Figure 4

All towers marked twice are special towers.

The 3rd, 8th, and 9th towers are marked twice.

Connections to Computer Science

The order of objects and sorting them into order is among the most studied problems in computer science. This problem concerns itself with the order of towers based on their height. In particular, a special tower is what we call a pivot in the partition algorithm used by the quicksort algorithm. As indicated by its name, quicksort tends to be very fast at ordering data and is one of the most famous and frequently used sorting methods in computer science.

Country of Original Author




A chef keeps secret recipes in a safe. It is unlocked using a circular knob with a pointer.

The following letters are placed around a circle in clockwise order: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The arrow points to the letter A.

With the pointer at A to start, the chef unlocks the safe by turning the knob clockwise and counter-clockwise alternately as the password is spelled. For example, to enter the password BH, the chef:

  1. Turns one position clockwiseThe arrow points to the letter B.
  2. Then turns two positions counter-clockwise
    The arrow points to the letter H.

We represent passwords using numbers to indicate how far to turn and arrows to show the direction. For example, BH is represented by One turn clockwise followed by two turns counter-clockwise. which means turn one position clockwise and then two positions counter-clockwise.

To retrieve the secret recipes, the chef must enter the password CHEFDG.


With the pointer starting at A, which of the following will unlock the safe?

  1. 2 turns clockwise, 3 turns counter-clockwise, 4 turns clockwise, 3 turns counter-clockwise, 3 turns clockwise, then 3 turns counter-clockwise.
  2. 2 turns clockwise, 5 turns counter-clockwise, 5 turns clockwise, 1 turn counter-clockwise, 3 turns clockwise, then 3 turns counter-clockwise.
  3. 2 turns clockwise, 3 turns counter-clockwise, 5 turns clockwise, 7 turns counter-clockwise, 6 turns clockwise, then 5 turns counter-clockwise.
  4. 2 turns clockwise, 1 turn counter-clockwise, 4 turns clockwise, 3 turns counter-clockwise, 3 turns clockwise, then 2 turns counter-clockwise.


(C) 2 turns clockwise, 3 turns counter-clockwise, 5 turns clockwise, 7 turns counter-clockwise, 6 turns clockwise, 5 turns counter-clockwise.

Explanation of the Answer

Option C correctly tells the chef to move:

Option A begins by incorrectly telling the chef to spell CHD. Option B begins by incorrectly telling the chef to spell CF. Option D begins by incorrectly telling the chef to spell CB.

Connections to Computer Science

When solving a problem it is often helpful to keep track of the current position or state of an object. In this problem, where the arrow is pointing is part of the state of the safe. The state of an object can also include a history of actions done on it. Here, as the knob is turned, we must remember which letters of the password have already been spelled.

Performing the same action on an object may not always have the same effect. Actions done on an object can have different effects based on its current state. For example, in this problem, turning five positions counter-clockwise after spelling “CHEFD" will open the lock. But turning it five positions counter-clockwise after spelling only “CHE" will not.

This also applies to computers. For example, when you are drawing a picture, the parts that you have already drawn determine the state of your picture. Adding new lines or deleting some lines change the state of the picture and a drawing program needs to keep track of this. Using the fill tool can change the colour of bigger or smaller parts of the picture depending on which lines have been drawn.

There are many other examples where the state is important. When following directions on a phone while walking, the important state will include your current location. When writing a computer program, a programmer has to decide what the state of the system they are working with is and write the program to correctly keep and update that state.

Country of Original Author




Anil likes to vary the colour of socks he wears. He keeps all of his socks arranged in a line and follows the rules given below to choose a pair of socks for the day.

On the morning of November 18, Anil wakes up and sees the following line of socks.

From left to right, the socks in the line are brown, pink, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, and red.


Which pair of socks will Anil wear on November 28?

  1. Light blue socks

  2. Green socks

  3. Red socks

  4. Brown socks


(A)Light blue socks

Explanation of Answer

Notice that Anil has seven pairs of socks. Since he puts worn and washed socks at the left end of the line, and he takes them from the right end of the line, he will wear each pair of socks exactly once after seven days. This means that when Anil wakes up seven mornings later on November 25, his socks will be lined up exactly as they are when he wakes up on November 18. Now, tracking things carefully, label the seven socks as shown below.

The rightmost sock is labelled 1 and the seven socks, from right to left, are labelled 1 through 7.

Following the rules outlined, Anil will wear the red socks (# 1) on November 25, and then place the red socks to the left of the brown socks (# 7) after wearing and washing them. Continuing in this way, we can make a table showing exactly which socks Anil will wear each day:

Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28
# 1 # 2 # 3 # 4

We conclude that Anil will wear Option A on November 28.

Connections to Computer Science

In this problem, the next socks Anil will wear are the ones that have been in the line the longest. That is, among those currently in the line, the next socks that Anil will wear are those that were washed before any other socks in the line. We say that the line of socks follows the first-in first-out or FIFO principle.

A collection of items from which items are removed according to the FIFO principle is called a queue. A queue is a fundamental data structure which is a particular way of organizing data in the memory of a computer. Compare the queue of socks in this problem to the stack of boxes in the Packing Machine problem on the Grade 7/8 Beaver Computing Challenge or the Box of Balls problem on the Grade 5/6 Beaver Computing Challenge.

Common applications of queues include lists of documents waiting to print and modelling people waiting in a line.

Country of Original Author


Language Detection


Explorers stumble across the following ancient list of five words on the wall of a cave.

The explorers use a system to try and determine which language each word is from.

For example, the word palliob is given a score of 10−2−2+3+0+0+0=9 and so the system classifies palliob as Beaverian.


Using this system, how many of the five words from the cave are classified as Beaverish?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5


(B) 3

Explanation of Answer

The following table summarizes the system scores and classification.

word score classification
paqroob 10−2−2+3−4+0+0=5 Beaverian
puue 10−2+0+0+0+5+0=13 Beaverish
t’seqrub 10+0−2+3−4+0+1=8 Beaverian
meoub 10+0−2+0+0+5+0=13 Beaverish
lai’laiqy 10+0+0+3−4+0+1=10 Beaverish

We see that three words (puue, meoub and lai’laiqy) are classified as Beaverish.

Connections to Computer Science

The application of computer science to the processing of natural human languages remains an exciting and active area of study. This includes automatically converting voice to text and text to voice. Many of us own devices that already use this technology. For example, you may own a cell phone that supports voice texting or have a device set up at your house that will obey commands to play music or turn on the lights. Another common example is the translation of text from one language to another. If the originating language is unknown, the first step in this process is language detection which is what this particular problem is about.

In general, these problems in natural language processing are very difficult and perfect solutions do not (yet) exist. As in this task, we use heuristics which are rules of thumb that we hope give us good answers most of the time. Heuristics are very simple strategies with sometimes astonishingly good results. Another exciting application of natural language processing, where psychologists and computer scientists are working together, is the development of programs that detect someone’s age or try to determine if somebody is lying.

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Part B



Members of a social network may follow other members. Within a group of members, a particular member is called a celebrity if they are someone who


What is the maximum possible number of celebrities in a group of five members?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 5


(B) 1

Explanation of Answer

It is certainly possibly to have at least one celebrity in the group. An example is shown where each arrow points from a member of the group to another member that he or she follows. In the example, Grace is a celebrity.

An description of the diagram follows.

If there is a celebrity in the group, then he or she does not follow anyone else. This means there cannot be another celebrity in the group. That is, the maximum possible number of celebrities in a group is one.

Connection to Computer Science

Social networks are based on the relationships between their members, which can be modelled by a directed graph. We can represent the members of the social network by the vertices of the directed graph and an instance of someone following someone else by a (directed) edge. In the diagram, the vertices are the boxes labelled with names and the edges are the arrows. The reason we say “directed" is because it demonstrates which members are being followed and by whom. For example, if Member A is following Member B, then we have a directed edge from Member A to Member B.

In this problem, we consider both the out-degree of each vertex (how many people the corresponding member follows) and the in-degree (how many people follow the corresponding member). In a graph with n vertices, the out-degree and in-degree of each vertex can be at most n−1. We see in the solution that if a vertex has in-degree n−1 and out degree 0, then it is the only vertex with this property.

In general, graph properties can be calculated and studied. This information has proven to be very valuable in marketing and politics and raises important questions about privacy and security.

Country of Original Author


Cancelled Flights


The dashed lines in the diagram represent all Bebras Air flights. Each flight operates in both directions. The airline is popular because its customers are able to fly between any two cities (possibly stopping in one or more cities in between).

A description of the diagram follows.

The airline wants to cancel some flights but it still wants its customers to be able to fly between any two cities.


What is the maximum number of flights that Bebras Air can cancel?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9


(C) 8

Explanation of Answer

The example below shows that it is possible to cancel 8 flights and still allow customers to fly between any two cities. Note that 7 flights are left.

The following seven flights are highlighted: Washington D.C. to New York and San Fransisco to New York, New York to London, London to Paris, Paris to Moscow and Paris to Cairo and Paris to Kuala Lumpur. All eight cities are part of at least one highlighted flight.

We need to show that 8 cities cannot be connected in this manner using less than 7 flights. We will do so by showing that it cannot be done with 6 flights (and so cannot be done with fewer either).

Suppose that we have 6 flights arranged in such a way that customers are able to fly between any two of the 8 cities. Each of the 6 flights involves 2 cities and so if we list all of the cities involved in the flights we get 6×2=12 cities in total (with some repetitions). We know that each city must be a part of at least one flight and so each city appears in this list at least once. Since there are 8 cities, and our list contains 12 in total (with repetitions), some cities must appear only once in the list and hence cannot be involved in more than 1 flight.

Let City A be a city that is involved in exactly 1 flight. Remove this flight and City A itself from the picture. What we have left is 7 cities connected using 5 flights. Note that removing the single flight involving City A cannot break the connectivity of the remaining 7 cities. We can use similar reasoning to argue that at least one of these 7 cities, call it City B, is involved in exactly 1 flight. When we remove City B, and the accompanying flight, we are left with 6 cities connected using 4 flights. Similarly, we can produce 5 cities connected using 3 flights and then 4 cities connected using 2 flights and finally 3 cities connected using 1 flight. Now we have reached a clear problem. We cannot possibly have 3 cities connected using only 1 flight. This means that we could not have had the original scenario where we claimed to have 8 cities connected using only 6 flights.

Connections to Computer Science

There is a graph at the centre of this problem. A graph is used to model connections. It consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges each of which connects a pair of vertices. Here, the vertices represent cities and the edges represent flights. The diagram is a visual representation of the graph.

The goal is to remove as many edges (flights) as possible while leaving a connected graph. A connected graph is one for which there exists a path between any two vertices. In general, if a connected graph has n vertices, then there exists a set of only n−1 edges, chosen from the “original" edges, for which the graph is still connected if all other edges are removed. The resulting graph with n−1 edges is called a minimum spanning tree. If a graph with n vertices has less than n−1 edges, it cannot be a connected graph.

Minimum spanning trees are important in applications such as transportation and water supply networks.

Country of Original Author


Light Buttons


There are three light bulbs, labelled X, Y, and Z, which can be turned on and off using four buttons numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each button produces a different action when pressed as described below.

Button Action
1 turn on bulb Y and turn off bulb X
2 turn on bulbs X and Y and turn off bulb Z
3 turn on bulb Z and turn off bulb Y
4 turn on bulb X

If a button attempts to turn a particular light bulb on that is already on, then that light bulb will remain on. Similarly, if a button attempts to turn a particular light bulb off that is already off, then that light bulb will remain off.

All three light bulbs are currently off. You want them all on after pressing a sequence of buttons.


Which of the following sequences should you use?

  1. Button 2 , Button 3 , Button 1
  2. Button 2 , Button 3 , Button 4
  3. Button 4 , Button 1 , Button 3
  4. Button 3 , Button 1 , Button 4


(D)Button 3 , Button 1 , Button 4

Explanation of Answer

First, we verify that pressing button 3, button 1, and button 4, in that order, will produce the desired configuration:

If button 3 is pressed first, then bulb X remains off, bulb Y remains off, and bulb Z is turned on.

If button 1 is pressed second, then bulb X remains off, bulb Y is turned on, and bulb Z remains on.

If button 4 is pressed third, then bulb X is turned on, bulb Y remains on, and bulb Z remains on.

Now, we also eliminate the other options. Note that button 1 turns off bulb X, button 2 turns off bulb Z and button 3 turns off bulb Y. Therefore, a sequence that ends by pressing buttons 1, 2, or 3, cannot produce the desired configuration. In particular, Options A and C cannot be correct.

The sequence in Option B also does not produce the desired configuration. It involves turning off bulb Y when button 3 is pressed and bulb Y is not turned back on at the end when button 4 is pressed.

Connections to Computer Science

If we write out which bulbs are on and which ones are off, we completely describe the relevant state of the light bulbs. Each bulb has two possibilities (off or on) and there are three bulbs, so there are 2×2×2=8 different states. Each press of a button takes us from the current state to a new state. This is called a transition. A system with a finite set of states and actions that cause transitions between the states is called a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) or a finite state machine.

DFAs show up in more places than you might expect. For example, a traffic light has different states (e.g. red, yellow, or green) and changes between the states based on its environment (e.g. a car is waiting at an intersection). Other examples include devices with buttons (e.g. a coffee machine or elevator) which move between states with the press of a button. Careful design of states and transitions allow computer programmers to program such devices in efficient and reliable ways.

Country of Original Author




Given an image of an animal, a machine measures various parts of the animal: head, ears, and whiskers. The height of a part is the distance from its lowest point to its highest point. The width of a part is the distance from its leftmost point to its rightmost point.
These measurements are used to identify the animal based on the chart shown.

Rabbit Beaver Bear Cat
ear height 12 of head height 14 of head height 14 of head height 12 of head height
whiskers width head width 12 of head width 12 of head width head width
head width 12 of head height 12 of head height head height head height


What type of animal does the machine identify the following image as?

A face is drawn on an 8 by 8 grid. The head has width 8 and height 8. The ears have height 2. The whiskers have width 4.

  1. Rabbit
  2. Beaver
  3. Bear
  4. Cat


(C) Bear

Explanation of Answer

In this image, the head width is equal to that of the head height, the whiskers width is half of the head width, and the ear height is a quarter of the head height. These measurements match all the chart entries for a bear.

The image is not identified as a rabbit because it does not match any entries in the chart. The image is not identified as a beaver because the head width is equal to that of the head height. The image is not identified as a cat because the ear height and whiskers width do not match the chart.

Connection to Computer Science

We can imagine that the chart in this problem is produced by inspecting a large set of images of rabbits, beavers, bears, and cats. This would be an example of using machine learning to recognize images. The immense power in today’s modern computers has made machine learning an increasingly important subdiscipline of artificial intelligence. This is because, to be effective, a machine learning algorithm typically needs to be trained on a large data set.

Another example of an application of machine learning is autonomous driving, where a machine learning algorithm is trained to recognize the lines and signs along a road as well as all possible objects encountered by a car.

Country of Original Author


Escape Room


An escape room uses the following design for the inner-workings of a lock. The lock is made using nine rods and five blocks. Each block has one or two input rods coming in from the left and one output rod coming out to the right.

A description of the diagram follows.

Each rod turns like a key either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The table below describes how input rods and the type of block determine how output rods turn.

Block Result
Blue block with two inputs and one output If both input rods are turned clockwise, then the output rod will turn clockwise. Otherwise, the output rod will turn counter-clockwise.
Green block with two inputs and one output If both input rods are turned counter-clockwise, then the output rod will turn counter-clockwise. Otherwise, the output rod will turn clockwise.
Red block with one input and one output The output rod will turn in the opposite direction as the input rod.


Each input rod at P, Q, R, and S is turned once causing the output rod at T to turn clockwise. How might have the input rods been turned?

  1. P clockwise, Q clockwise, R counter-clockwise, S clockwise
  2. P counter-clockwise, Q counter-clockwise, R counter-clockwise, S clockwise
  3. P clockwise, Q counter-clockwise, R counter-clockwise, S clockwise
  4. P counter-clockwise, Q counter-clockwise, R clockwise, S counter-clockwise


(B) P counter-clockwise, Q counter-clockwise, R counter-clockwise, S clockwise

Explanation of Answer

One way to solve this problem is to work backwards, starting with the output rod at T.

In order for T to turn clockwise, the input rods of the Blue block must both turn clockwise.

For the output rod of the top Red block to turn clockwise, the input rod must turn counter-clockwise.

For the output rod of the top Green block to turn counter-clockwise, both input rods must turn counter-clockwise.

Input rods labelled P and Q both turn counter-clockwise.

This eliminates Options A and C. One way for the bottom Green block to turn clockwise is for both input rods to turn clockwise. This would mean that S turns clockwise and R turns counter-clockwise, which is Option B.

The other way for the bottom Green block to turn clockwise is for both input rods to turn in opposite directions. This would mean that S and R turn in the same direction. This eliminates Option D.

Connections to Computer Science

All computers contain circuits. Circuits are built using many small components called logic gates. A logic gate takes in binary input and produces binary output. Binary data is simply data with two possibilities often considered 1 or 0 or sometimes true or false. In this problem, our binary data is “clockwise" or “counter-clockwise". The escape room lock is like a circuit where the blocks are the gates and binary data is transferred using the rods.

In this problem, the specific gates in the table are commonly called AND, OR, and NOT respectively. Their meaning corresponds to the formal and mathematical definitions of the words “and", “or", and “not". It is an amazing fact that everything a modern computer can do, can be achieved by connecting gates in clever ways.

Country of Original Author


Part C

Coins and Monsters


Tara starts in the lower left corner of the map shown. She can only move up or to the right as she makes her way to her home in the upper right corner.

The map is a five by five grid of squares. An alternative format for the map can be found at the end of the story.

Each square along the way contains either monsters , or coins . Tara collects all the coins along the path she follows. When she enters a square with monsters, she must give one coin to each monster in that square.


If Tara starts with 10 coins, what is the maximum possible number of coins she could have with her when she arrives home?

  1. 18
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. 22


(C) 20

Explanation of Answer

One way to solve the problem is by putting a value in each square of the map. Each positive value is the number of coins that Tara collects in a square. Each negative value is the number of coins that Tara gives up in a square. There are zeros in Tara’s home and starting position.

1 −2 3 3 0
−2 1 −2 −1 2
2 −2 2 3 −1
3 −1 −1 −1 1
0 2 2 −2 2

We label the rows 1 to 5 from bottom to top and the columns 1 to 5 from left to right. In the beginning, (row 1, column 1), Tara has 10 coins. If she moves up, she gets 3 coins. If she moves to the right, she gets 2 coins. Tara can get to the square in (row 2, column 2) in two ways. If she comes from the left, she will have gathered 13 coins before reaching that square. If she comes from below, she will have gathered 12 coins before reaching that square. Since she is trying to gather as many coins as possible, she chooses the path that produces the larger value. So we record that she moves to (row 2, column 2) from the left through (row 2, column 1) and she has 13−1=12 coins at that point.

In this way, row by row, for each square, we compute the total coins possible by coming from the left or from below and record the maximum, and which path should be followed. These computations are recorded in the table below. In each square, the direction(s) from which a maximum value can be derived are indicated.

From below:
From below/left:
From below:
From below:
From the left:
From below:
From below/left:
From below:
From below:
From below/left:
From below:
From the left:
From below/left:
From the left:
From the left:
From below:
From the left:
From below:
From the left:
From below:
From the left:
From the left:
From the left:
From the left:

The highlighted squares in the table indicate one possible best path for Tara to reach home (moving two squares up, then three squares to the right, then two squares up, then one square to the right).

Connections to Computer Science

To solve the task, we have to calculate the best way of reaching each square. There are many possible paths to a square, and exploring all of them would be very tedious and time consuming. In our solution, we realize that each square can only be reached from two directions, left and below, so we can use the values calculated for those squares to derive the value for the current square. In this way, we can systematically compute the values for all squares, row by row from bottom to top, or column by column from left to right. This is an example of dynamic programming.

Dynamic programming is a type of algorithm that can solve optimization problems. The principle of dynamic programming is that it finds the optimal solution to a full problem by using intermediate results of the subproblems. The key to doing this quickly is that we can remember or store these intermediate results as they are calculated. Since the same intermediate result is used more than once, this speeds up the overall process considerably.

Country of Original Author


Aircraft Scheduling


When an aircraft lands at an airport, it is assigned a designated airspace called a corridor. By ensuring that flights with similar landing times are in different corridors, air traffic controllers can help to avoid accidents.

At the Bebrasland airport, two aircraft cannot have the same corridor if their landing times are within 15 minutes of each other.

For example, if Flight #1 lands at 6:07 a.m., Flight #2 lands at 6:10 a.m., and Flight #3 lands at 6:25 a.m., then Flights #1 and #2 cannot be assigned the same corridor and Flights #2 and #3 cannot be assigned the same corridor. However, Flights #1 and #3 could be assigned the same corridor.

You are the Air Traffic Controller at the airport and your job is to assign corridors for the flights that are due to land at the times shown in the table.

Flight Time
9W2400 7:00 a.m.
9W1321 7:21 a.m.
AI561 7:20 a.m.
AI620 7:18 a.m.
EK427 7:03 a.m.
SG147 7:12 a.m.


What is the minimum number of corridors needed to ensure that the flights in the above table are assigned corridors according to the rules at the Bebrasland airport?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5


(C) 4

Explanation of Answer

The table below has the flights and their landing times again, but this time in increasing order of landing time.

Flight Time
9W2400 7:00 a.m.
EK427 7:03 a.m.
SG147 7:12 a.m.
AI620 7:18 a.m.
AI561 7:20 a.m.
9W1321 7:21 a.m.

The last four flights, SG147, AI620, AI561, and 9W1321 all land within nine minutes of each other. This means these four flights must be in separate corridors, so at least four corridors are needed.

Flights EK427 and 9W1321 land 18 minutes apart, so they can be assigned the same corridor. As well, 9W2400 and AI561 land 20 minutes apart, so these two flights can also be assigned the same corridor.

This gives an assignment of all six flights using four corridors. We also established that the flights cannot be accommodated using fewer than four corridors. Therefore, the minimum number of corridors needed is four.

Connections to Computer Science

In the above problem you have conflicts (two aircraft cannot have the same corridor if they are landing within 15 minutes of each other) and resources (corridors). You are asked to assign resources, ensuring that no conflicts arise. There are many problems of this type. When there are lots of objects (e.g. aircraft) a special approach may be needed to solve the problem quickly.

One approach is to model the problem as a graph. Here, the vertices are the flights and the edges represent the possible conflicts (two flights are joined by an edge when they land within 15 minutes of each other). We can think of our goal as colouring the vertices so that no two vertices connected by an edge are the same colour. That is, the colours correspond to corridors. Other applications of graph colouring problems include internet bandwidth allocation, pattern matching, sports scheduling, and exam timetabling. Computer scientists have designed advanced algorithms to solve these problems relatively quickly.

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Buying Shoes


A beaver would like to buy a pair of shoes imported from Triušisland. The shopkeeper tells the beaver that the shoes are arranged in a 7×7 grid so that in each row all shoes have the same length and different widths, and in each column, all shoes have the same width and different lengths. The shoes in each row are arranged from narrowest to widest going from left to right, and the shoes in each column are arranged from longest to shortest going from top to bottom.

The beaver is unfamiliar with the shoe sizes of Triušisland. However, by trying on a pair of shoes, the beaver can tell if the shoes are too wide, too narrow, or the correct width, as well as if they are too long, too short, or the correct length. A shoe fits if it is both the correct length and correct width.

The shopkeeper says:

“No matter what your shoe size is, I guarantee that there is a pair of shoes that fits you and a pair that fits can be identified by trying on no more than n pairs of shoes. You might not even have to try on a particular pair of shoes to know that it fits!"


Assuming the shopkeeper is correct, what is the smallest possible value of n?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5


(A) 2

Explanation of Answer

Divide the 49 pairs of shoes into 9 zones as shown.

The 7 by 7 grid divided into 9 rectangular sections. Across the top three rows, the first three columns together from zone 1, the fourth column is zone 2, and the last three columns together form zone 3. Across the middle row, the first three squares form zone 4, the fourth square is zone 5, and the last three squares form zone 6. Across the bottom three rows, the first three columns together from zone 7, the fourth column is zone 8, and the last three columns together form zone 9.

The beaver should first try on the pair of shoes in the centre, which is the only pair of shoes in zone 5. From this, the beaver will be able to determine which of the 9 zones contains the pair of shoes that fits. For example, if the shoes in the centre are too wide but not long enough, the pair of shoes that fits must be narrower and longer, and hence, must be in zone 1.

The following table records which zone contains the pair of shoes that fits based on what is observed about the shoes in zone 5:

too wide correct width too narrow
too short zone 1 zone 2 zone 3
correct length zone 4 zone 5 zone 6
too long zone 7 zone 8 zone 9

If the shoes in zone 5 fit, then the beaver will stop searching. Otherwise, the search has been narrowed down to either 3 or 9 pairs of shoes. In either case, the next pair of shoes that the beaver should try on is the pair in the centre of the zone indicated by the table above.

For example, if the pair of shoes that fits is in zone 1, the beaver should try on the pair of shoes in the centre of zone 1 (marked by the number 1 in the picture). These shoes will be either too wide, the correct width, or too narrow. They will also be either too long, the correct length, or too short. There are 9 possible combinations of these pieces of information. Each combination corresponds to exactly one of the 9 pairs of shoes in zone 1. Thus, after trying on the pair of shoes in the centre, the beaver will know which pair of shoes fits (even though he may not have actually tried on the pair which fits).

Similarly, if the pair that fits is in zone 3, zone 7, or zone 9, then trying on the shoes in the centre will tell the beaver which pair of shoes fits.

If the pair of shoes that fits is in zone 2, then the beaver already knows the correct width. Trying on the pair of shoes marked with the number 2 will allow the beaver to determine the correct length and therefore the location of the pair of shoes that fits. Similar reasoning will work if the pair that fits is in zone 4, zone 6, or zone 8.

This shows Option A is correct but why is it impossible to find a way that will always identify a pair of shoes that fits while only allowing the beaver to try on a single pair of shoes? One reason is that no matter which pair of shoes the beaver tries on, there must be at least two pairs that are shorter or at least two pairs that are longer. Since the pair that fits could be among these shorter or longer shoes, at least one more pair must be tried on to identify a fitting pair.

Connections to Computer Science

In this problem, the shoes on display in the store are arranged in increasing order of width and length along multiple dimensions. Putting objects in an order such as this is called sorting. Once sorted, objects in a sequence can be found very quickly using the famous binary search algorithm. The idea is that you can jump into the middle of the sequence and if you don’t find the object you are looking for, you can immediately conclude whether the object must be to the left or right of your current position. This process can be repeated until you find the desired object. Implemented correctly, this technique can find an object in a sequence of size 2100 by looking at no more than 101 of the objects!

This particular problem builds on the idea of binary search by extending it to two-dimensions.

Country of Original Author

South Korea

Ants in a Swamp


Ten ants are located on Stone A and seek to reach the food on Stone F.

Six stones in a swamp, with some pairs connected by straws. A description of the diagram can be found at the end of the Story.

The ants can only travel between the stones by walking along the straws joining the stones. No two ants can be on the same straw at the same time. It takes each ant 1 minute to travel from a stone to any other stone connected to it by a straw.


What is the maximum number of ants that can reach the food on Stone F after 3 minutes?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9


(B) 7

Explanation of Answer

First, we argue that there cannot possibly be more than seven ants on Stone F after 3 minutes have passed. Note that ants must arrive at Stone F via Stone B, Stone C, or Stone E.

We have shown that at most seven ants can reach the food after 3 minutes. Now we need to show that this number of ants can actually be achieved. One possible way for the ants to move in order for seven ants to reach the food after 3 minutes is shown below. Note that there are other ways that involve more ants moving at each step but we have shown that there cannot possibly be more than seven ants on Stone F after 3 minutes have passed.

After 1 minute
4 ants are on Stone A, 2 ants on Stone B, 3 ants on Stone C, and 1 ant on Stone D.
After 2 minutes
2 ants are on Stone B, 4 ants on Stone C, 3 ants on Stone F, and 1 ant on Stone E.
After 3 minutes
1 ant on Stone B, 2 ants on Stone C, and 7 ants on Stone F.

It should be reasonably clear from the images what is happening during the first and third minutes, but here is an outline of what moves occur during the second minute:

It can be verified that each of these moves is possible and would indeed produce the second image.

Note that we could have left three of the ants on Stone A and still have achieved the final result on Stone F. However, this particular sequence of moves also shows that exactly 4 minutes are needed for all ten ants to arrive at the food!

Connections to Computer Science

The goal here is to optimize the flow of the ants through the network so that as many ants as possible arrive at the food within three minues. This is called an optimization problem. In particular, it is a maximum flow problem.

Ants that are not aware of the structure of the network they travel through will not be able to find the best solution. But an observer, that can see the network’s structure, can find an optimal strategy. In this task, we assume that the ants are aware of the structure of the network, and as such will move along specific pathways. General algorithms have been devised by computer scientists allowing the maximum flow problem to be solved for very large networks. This has applications to problems involving the shipment of goods and finding solutions to what is known as the baseball elimination problem.

Country of Original Author


Recover My Robot


Natasha lost her robot but she knows that it is in one of the nine squares in the following 3×3 grid.

There are walls around the outer edges of a 3 by 3 grid of squares. There are also walls along the left side and the top side of the middle square of the grid. There is a star in the top-left square.

Natasha can remotely send a sequence of commands to the robot. She can command it to move one square UP, LEFT, RIGHT, or DOWN. The robot will not move if there is a wall in the way. For example, if the robot is in the centre square and is told to move LEFT, it will ignore that command and move on to the next command. The walls are drawn on the picture by a thick (green) line.


Which of the following sequences of commands guarantees that the robot will reach the square marked with a star no matter where the robot begins?

  1. UP - UP - LEFT - LEFT - UP
  2. RIGHT - UP - UP - LEFT - LEFT
  3. DOWN - LEFT - LEFT - UP - UP
  4. UP - RIGHT - UP - LEFT - LEFT



Explanation of Answer

The diagram below demonstrates that executing the commands in Option D will get the robot to the desired square regardless of where it started. The first picture (top-left) shows all nine starting positions. The second picture (top-middle) shows the possible positions of the robot after the first command (UP) is executed, the top-right picture shows the possible positions of the robot after executing UP - RIGHT, and so on.

A description of the diagram follows.

Regardless of where the robot started, it will end up in the square with a star.

Option A does not guarantee that the robot will reach the square marked with a star. For example, if the robot begins in the centre square, none of the commands in this sequence will have any effect.

Options B does not guarantee that the robot will reach the square marked with a star. For example, if the robot begins in the bottom-left square, this sequence will move the robot to the centre square after two commands and none of the later commands will have any effect.

Option C does not guarantee that the robot will reach the square marked with a star. For example, if the robot begins in the top-right square, this sequence will move the robot to the centre square after two commands and none of the later commands will have any effect.

Connection to Computer Science

A computer program is a sequence of instructions. In this way, it is like the sequence of commands controlling the robot in this problem. We often want to guarantee that our computer program ends in a certain way, much like in this problem when we want to guarantee that the robot ends in the same location no matter where it begins. This is particularly difficult when writing a computer program that involves a user interface which allows humans to enter input. We have to consider all possible inputs ensuring the program ends reasonably (without “crashing") in each case.

Like the Light Buttons problem, this problem is also related to deterministic finite automata. The locations in the grid correspond to states and the robot transitions to different states based on its input. We are interested in inputs for which the robot always ends up in the same state no matter which state it begins in. This is the problem of finding synchronizing words for an automaton.

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