2018 Beaver Computing Challenge
(Grade 5 & 6)
Joni Beaver uses rope to mark groups of trees. The rope forms a very tight loop so that each tree either touches the rope or is entirely inside the loop. Below is an example where the rope touches exactly 5 trees when viewed from above.
How many trees will the rope touch if the trees are arranged as follows (when viewed from above)?
Beavers play a simple game. The game always begins with this starting position:
From this starting position, rotation instructions are followed. All the rotations are clockwise and one quarter of a complete turn. The possible instructions are:
For example, if the first instruction is 2R, the top-left square will be Yellow as shown below.
From the starting position, what colours will the top-left square be after each of the instructions 1R, 2R, 2R, and 3R are followed in order?
Consider these five statements describing the three robots below:
Bob and Moe are smiling.
Bob, Moe, and Lea each have two legs.
Moe has a round head and exactly one leg.
All three robots have five fingers.
Lea or Bob have their hands raised.
Which of these five statements are true?
2 and 3
1 and 3
1 and 5
Flora asked for three rows of flowers to be planted. These rows can be seen below:
However, Flora had asked that the white flower be closer to the fence than the blue flower
in each row.
Which rows were planted according to what Flora asked for?
Only Row 1
Rows 1 and 2
Rows 1 and 3
All three rows
Mark goes to a birthday party. A room at the party is decorated with balloons in rows:
Mark can’t see colours clearly. For him, yellow (C) looks the same as green (A), and blue (D) looks the same as red (B).
Which two rows of balloons look the same to Mark?
Beavers take part in an annual challenge. Starting from rock number 0, they jump clockwise from rock to rock. For example, if a beaver jumps 8 times, it ends up on rock number 3:
One of the beavers showed off and jumped an astonishing 129 times. On which rock did it end up?
James made 37 litres of lemonade at home and now he wants to bring it to a celebration at school. He has several empty bottles of various sizes but he wants to use the smallest number of them to bottle exactly 37 litres of lemonade.
He has one bottle of each of the following sizes:
What is the least number of bottles James needs to use?
Every morning Maja decides what to wear for the day. She uses the following rules:
If she wears pants, then she wears a T-shirt that is blank or has stars.
If she wears a skirt, then she wears a T-shirt with a beaver logo.
If she wears a T-shirt that is blank or has stars, then she wears a jacket with a heart.
If she wears a jacket with a heart, then she wears a cap with a drawing.
Which of the following combinations can Maja wear?
Beavers live in a valley surrounded by mountains. In the valley, there is a lake. The lake is surrounded by fields with either trees or stones.
Every day, beavers flood all those fields with trees that are next to the lake or flooded fields. Fields with stones are not flooded.
For example, after one day, three fields will be flooded, as shown above.
After how many days in total will all the fields with trees be flooded?
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
Sarah tries to throw five rings around a peg as part of a game. The following chart shows how points are earned each time a ring lands around the peg. Rings that do not land around the peg do not earn points.
Toss | Points |
First Toss | 5 |
Second Toss | 4 |
Third Toss | 3 |
Fourth Toss | 2 |
Fifth Toss | 1 |
The following picture illustrates the order in which Sarah threw her five rings. It also shows which ones landed around the peg and which ones did not land around the peg.
How many points did Sarah earn?
Beavers play a word chain game. One beaver starts by saying a word. The other beaver must say a different word which begins with the last letter of the previous word. Then the first beaver says another word (which was not said yet) using this same rule, and so on. If a beaver is unable to say a new word, that beaver loses the game. These beavers do not know many words. In fact, they can draw their entire vocabulary like this:
Notice that an arrow out of a word points at the next possible word(s) that can be said.
What is the largest possible number of words that can be said in one game?
A beaver wants to build a dam to protect her house from a winter flood. She will use the log piles shown in the first figure (below on the left) to produce the dam shown in the second figure (below on the right). It takes 1 hour to move a pile of logs one square in a vertical direction on the figure, and 2 hours in a horizontal direction.
What is the minimum number of hours it will take to build the dam?