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2017 Beaver Computing Challenge
(Grade 7 & 8)


Part A

Swapping Dogs


Two types of dogs are standing as shown below.

A large dog followed by 2 small dogs, followed by a large dog and then 4 small dogs, followed by a large dog.

A swap occurs when two dogs that are beside each other exchange positions. After some swaps, the three large dogs end up in three consecutive positions.


What is the fewest number of swaps that could have occurred?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

School Newspaper


Ten students work on a school newspaper using a lab of identical computers. All the work is done in one day. In the table below, cells with a check mark show when each student works.

Student Time
8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00
1 ✓ ✓
2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 ✓ ✓
4 ✓ ✓ ✓
5 ✓ ✓
6 ✓ ✓
7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8 ✓
9 ✓ ✓ ✓
10 ✓ ✓

During any of the one-hour time slots, a computer can be used by only one student.


What is the minimum possible number of computers so that every student can get their work done?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 10



Seven people are skating in a line on a very long, frozen canal. They begin as shown below.

Seven skaters in a row, labelled P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V in order from left to right. The skaters are all facing right, with skater V leading.

After every minute the person at the front of the line moves to the end of the line. For example, after one minute, U will be in front of the line, since V will move behind P.


Which skater will be at the front of the line after 9 minutes?

  1. Skater P
  2. Skater R
  3. Skater T
  4. Skater V



A chameleon travels on the grid below. It moves between adjacent cells either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. In a cell, a chameleon has the same colour as the colour of the cell.

A grid with 5 rows and six columns and multicoloured cells. An alternative format for the grid follows.


What is the minimum number of different colours that the chameleon has when traveling from the lower left of the grid to the upper right?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4



Darren’s computer is connected to the Internet but does not have any antivirus or firewall software. None of the accounts on his computer are protected by a password.


Which computers are at risk because of this?

  1. only Darren’s own computer
  2. only the computers in the same room as Darren’s computer
  3. only the computers in the same country as Darren
  4. all computers in the world which are connected to the Internet and set up like Darren’s

Part B



Peter and Henrietta are playing a video game. They move a beaver at a constant speed from the start of a course to the finish. The course consists of platforms on two levels. At the end of each platform before the finish, the beaver jumps instantaneously up or down to the next platform. The amount of time to move over each platform of the game is shown below each platform.

Here is an example course:

A low platform with length 5, a high platform with length 5, and a low platform with length 5. The start is the left end point of the first low platform. Arrow A points to a point on the first low platform, arrow B points to the left endpoint of the high platform, and arrow C points to the left endpoint of the second low platform. The finish is the right end of the second low platform.

Peter and Henrietta start playing the following two different courses at exactly the same time.

Peter's course has a low platform of length 3, a high platform of length 4, a low platform of length 2, a high platform of length 4, and a low platform of length 3. Henrietta's course alternates between a low platform of length 2 and a high platform of length 2, four times.


For how long are both beavers moving along the top level at the same time?

  1. 2 seconds
  2. 4 seconds
  3. 6 seconds
  4. 8 seconds



Alice, Bob, Charles, and Dorothy share two baguettes, two rolls, two croissants, and two slices of toast.

Each person has two different types of bread. Also:


Which types of bread does Alice have?

  1. A baguette and a croissant
  2. A roll and a slice of toast
  3. A baguette and a slice of toast
  4. A roll and a croissant

Pipe Network


A network of 12 nodes connected by pipes is shown below. Exactly one node is clogged. However, even with this clog, water can flow between any pair of connected unclogged nodes in the network.

A description of the diagram follows.


How many possibilities are there for the clogged node?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

Circle Chairs Game


Two large beavers, two medium beavers and three small beavers are playing a game around of circle of chairs. Seven chairs are placed at seven fixed fixed positions. At the start of the game, each chair has one beaver in front of it, as shown below.

The top chair has a large beaver. Going around clockwise starting from the top, the beavers are large, small, medium, medium, small, large, small.

In one round of the game,


After three rounds, how many chairs do not have a beaver in front of them?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

Beavers and Trees


Samantha is asked to record sequences of beavers and trees. Here is an example:

Five beavers, six trees, one beaver, two trees, then four beavers.

Samantha has a brilliant idea. For this example, she would only record this:

Beaver 5 6 1 2 4

That is, she begins by recording the first image in the sequence (a beaver or a tree) and this is the only image she draws. After it, she writes down the number of times this image appears consecutively before the other image appears. Following this number, she writes down the number of times the other image appears consecutively, and so on. She continues writing down numbers in this way for the entire sequence.

Samantha looks back at her notes and finds this record of a sequence:

Tree 4 2 1 1 3 2


What was the original sequence of beavers and trees?

  1. 5 trees, 2 beavers, 1 tree, 1 beaver, 3 trees, 2 beavers
  2. 4 trees, 2 beavers, 1 tree, 1 beaver, 3 trees, 2 beavers
  3. 4 beavers, 2 trees, 1 beaver, 1 tree, 3 beavers, 2 trees
  4. 1 tree, 4 beavers, 2 trees, 1 beaver, 1 tree, 3 beavers, 2 trees

Part C

What is THIS?


Beatrice Beaver is playing around with her simple 3-by-3 computer screen. She can paint some squares black. For example, if she painted only the top-left square, the screen would look like this:

A 3 by 3 grid of squares with top-left square black and other squares white.

Her computer also has “rotate" and “invert" buttons. The “rotate" button rotates the screen clockwise by 90 degrees. The “invert" button changes all white squares to black and all black squares to white. For example, when Beatrice presses the “rotate" and “invert" buttons after painting only the top-left square, she can create a total of eight different patterns:

Top-left square is black, all others white. Top-right square is black, all others white. Bottom-right square is black, all others white. Bottom-left square is black, all others white. Top-left square is white, all others black. Top-right square is white, all others black. Bottom-right square is white, all others black. Bottom-left square is white, all others black.

Beatrice begins with different images on the screen. She uses the two types of buttons any number of times and in any order trying to make different patterns.


Which of the following starting images allows Beatrice to make the largest number of different patterns?

  1. The squares in the top row and the middle column are black and the rest are white, forming a capital T shape in the grid.
  2. The squares in the left column, the right column and the middle row are black and the rest are white, forming a capital H shape in the grid.
  3. The squares in the middle column are black and the rest are white, forming a capital I shape in the grid.
  4. The squares in the middle column, along with the top-right and bottom-left squares, are black and the rest are white. The shape in the grid resembles the letter S.

Robot Cleaner


A robot washes the square tiled floor shown below by using the following commands:

A description of the tiled floor follows.

The robot can start at any corner facing any direction and can end at any corner. It never goes on a tile occupied by one of the four pieces of furniture and washes all the other tiles, including the 4 corner tiles, exactly once. The robot may travel over a tile more than once.


What is the minimum possible number of minutes the robot needs to wash the entire floor?

  1. 53
  2. 54
  3. 55
  4. 56



A bear studies how many hexagons in a honeycomb contain honey. For each hexagon, the bear records how many other hexagons touching this hexagon contain honey. So this number could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. The results of the bear’s study are below.

A description of the diagram follows.


How many hexagons contain honey?

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 10

Building a Dam


To build a dam, a beaver needs to cut 10 metre logs into smaller logs of lengths three and four. The table below shows how many of these smaller logs are needed.

Length of Log Number of Logs
4 metre 7
3 metre 7

The beaver cannot combine together smaller logs to form larger logs.


What is the least possible number of 10 metre logs that the beaver must cut?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7



Robyn covers a wall with six overlapping rectangular sheets of wallpaper as shown. Each sheet of wallpaper is designed using a different image in a repeating pattern.

A description of the diagram follows.


What is the order of the wallpaper pieces from the one placed first to the one placed last?

  1. Heart, mirror, flower, leaf, basketball, briefcase
  2. Briefcase, basketball, leaf, flower, mirror, heart
  3. Leaf, flower, mirror, heart, basketball, briefcase
  4. Mirror, flower, leaf, basketball, briefcase, heart