Thursday, April 13, 2016 (in North America and South America)
Friday, April 14, 2016 (outside of North American and South America)
©2016 University of Waterloo
Since 5 baskets of raisins fill 2 tubs, then
Since 5 scoops of raisins fill 1 jar, then
Since 3 scoops of raisins fill 1 cup, then
Solution 1
From part (b), we know that 10 cups of raisins fill 6 jars.
Since 30 jars of raisins fill 1 tub, then 50 cups of raisins fill 1 tub, or
Since 2 tubs of raisins fill 5 baskets, then 100 cups of raisins fill 5 baskets.
This tells us that
Solution 2
Since 5 baskets fill 2 tubs, then
Since 30 jars of raisins fill 1 tub, then
Since 5 scoops of raisins fill 1 jar, then
Since 3 scoops of raisins fill 1 cup, then
Therefore, 20 cups of raisins fill 1 basket.
Also, since
Let the circle have centre
Since the radius is 25, then
The perpendicular distance from
The radius of the circle is 65, and so
Therefore, the length of the chord
First, we find all factors of 3 which exist in the product
The multiples of 3 are the only numbers which contain factors of 3.
The multiples of 3 in the given product are 3, 6 and 9.
Rewriting the given product, we get
First, we count the number of factors of 3 included in
Every multiple of 3 includes least 1 factor of 3.
The product
Counting one factor of 3 from each of the multiples of 3 (these are
However, each multiple of
The product
Finally, there is one multiple of
Counting in a similar way, the product
Since we are given that
In other words, we can re-write
Since each of
That is,
That is,
Substituting and simplifying, we get
That is,
For every 10 cents that one restaurant’s price is higher than the other restaurant’s price, it loses one customer to the other restaurant.
On Monday, LP charges
The cost for LP to make each pizza is $5.00, and so LP’s profit is
Solution 1
Let LP’s price per pizza on Tuesday be
If LP charges
We note that if
Since EP charges $7.20 per pizza, then the number of customers that LP has is
We note that if
Similarly, if
LP’s profit on Tuesday is given by the product of its number of customers and its profit per pizza sold.
That is, LP’s profit in dollars,
Simplifying, we get
The graph of this quadratic function,
The zeros of this parabola occur when
The vertex of the parabola occurs on its axis of symmetry, which is the vertical line passing through the midpoint of its zeros,
That is, the maximum profit occurs when
On Tuesday, LP should charge $8.60 per pizza to maximize their profit.
Solution 2
On Tuesday, EP charges $7.20 per pizza.
Suppose that, on Tuesday, LP charges
In other words, on Tuesday, LP will have
Since it costs LP $5.00 to make each pizza, then LP’s profit per pizza is equal to
Therefore, in dollars, LP’s profit on Tuesday is the product of its number of customers and its profit per pizza sold, or
The graph of this quadratic function,
The zeros of this parabola occur when
The vertex of the parabola occurs on its axis of symmetry, which is the vertical line passing through the midpoint of its zeros,
That is, the maximum profit occurs when
Solution 1
Suppose that EP set its price per pizza at
After EP sets its price at
Let EP’s profit be
First we determine the price per pizza,
LP’s profit per pizza sold is
Thus, LP’s total profit, in dollars, is given by
Simplifying, we get
We think about
The graph of this quadratic function,
The zeros of this parabola occur when
The vertex of the parabola occurs on its axis of symmetry, which is the vertical line passing through the midpoint of its zeros,
That is, the maximum profit for LP occurs when
Thus, if EP first sets its price per pizza at
Since EP realizes what LP is doing, we can assume that EP now knows that LP will set their price per pizza at
Thus, EP may determine its price per pizza,
EP’s profit per pizza sold is
Thus, EP’s total profit is given by
Simplifying, we get
This is again a parabola opening downward and so its maximum profit occurs at its vertex.
The zeros of this parabola occur when
Thus, the maximum profit for EP occurs when
However, since
Since the quadratic relation
Therefore, to maximize EP’s profit, we choose the closest values to
These values are
We note that
When EP sets its price at
When EP sets its price at
To maximize its profit, EP could charge $12.40 or $12.60 per pizza, which result in profits for LP of $384.40 and $396.90, respectively.
Solution 2
On Wednesday, suppose that EP charges $
Based on this fixed (but unknown) price, LP chooses its price on Wednesday to maximize its profit.
Suppose that, on Wednesday, LP charges
As in (b), on Wednesday, LP will have
Since it costs LP $5.00 to make each pizza, then LP’s profit per pizza is equal to
Therefore, in dollars, LP’s profit on Wednesday is
Since the coefficient of
The vertex occurs when
In this case, LP’s profit, in dollars, is
Since EP’s price is set at $
Since LP has
Therefore, in dollars, EP’s total profit on Wednesday is
To find the maximum value(s) of