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Problem of the Week
Problem B
A Pocketful of Coins

Dakarai has a some Canadian coins in his pocket: one nickel (worth \(\$0.05\)), one dime (worth \(\$0.10\)), one quarter (worth \(\$0.25\)), one loonie (worth \(\$1.00\)), and one toonie (worth \(\$2.00\)).

  1. Suppose he reaches into his pocket and pulls out one coin at random.

  2. What is the probability that he will pull out

  3. a nickel?

  4. a quarter?

  5. a toonie?

  6. What is the probability that the total value of the coins remaining in his pocket is

  7. less than \(\$1.00\)?

  8. greater than \(\$1.35\)?

  9. less than \(\$2.00\)?

  • Suppose Dakarai reaches into his pocket and pulls out two coins at random. Which is greater, the probability that the coins in his hand have a value of \(\$0.35\), or the probability that the coins in his hand have a value of \(\$3.00\)?

  • Theme: Data Management